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-Unknown POV-

THE FIRST THING I registered when I finally came to was to the blare of fluorescent lights that hung on the concrete wall above me. The artificial brightness of the lights quickly brought forth a searing migraine that wedged its way behind my eyes.

Or eye.

Squinting against the light, I suddenly realized I could only see out of one of my eyes. I blinked a few times, trying to regain my sight in my left eye. Yet, my efforts were fruitless. As I looked around the empty room, my vision still remained black in one eye.

Shifting, I tried to reach a hand to touch my face, only to be held back by the metal restraints chaining me to the lonely observation table I was laid across.

A shiver ran through my body at the realization of where I was and what being strapped to this table meant. Involuntarily, my body began struggling against the metal restraints that held down my arms and legs. As I struggled, I could still feel the tell-tale soreness of a recent shift lingering over my limbs. They ached as I pushed against the metal, fighting against a fate I knew I couldn't escape.

The more I fought, the worse my limbs ached, reminding me of the shift. Gradually, I could feel myself remembering what had happened and I shut my eyes, fighting against it, trying to repress it back to the deepest parks of my mind. But as always, my efforts were in vain.

My memories of the night prior came back to me in a series of flashes. My body shook uncontrollably and fought against the restraints, pulling and thrashing at the beratement of images that tormented my thoughts.

I remembered everything. Every excruciating detail. I remembered the shift. Then stalking through the forest, seeing the young girl, and the blood that followed.

There was so much blood.

Her blood.

At the memory, I threw my head back, banging it against the metal table.

"No!" I screamed, my voice hoarse from misuse.

"No! No! No!" I cried to the empty walls, banging my head against the table with each word. The guilt that wracked my body was unbearable. The only relief was from the temporary distraction of physical pain from my own infliction.

Once again, I had hurt someone.

And I hated myself for it.

My heart jumped when, suddenly, I heard the squeak of the metal door hinges as it swiftly swung open. I paused, the back of my head still pulsing from where I had slammed it against the table.

I held my breath as I listened to the cold calculating click of footsteps fill the silent room as the man approached. Immediately I recognized who had entered the room, and my blood ran cold. I tried to control the rapid beat of my heart, hiding my fear as much as I could as the man stepped closer, moving to stand beside the table I was constrained to.

I kept my eyes lowered, refusing to look him in the face. I knew that would only upset him further, granting me a crueler punishment. Instead, I let my gaze drift to his lab coat that was neatly pressed and pristine, a betraying image.

"Look at me you Mutt." He suddenly spoke, making me flinch. Hearing the venom in his words only sent my heart racing even faster. My breath came in shallow puffs as I cautiously flicked my eyes up to his face.

His dark eyes watched me from behind the pieces of graying hair that had fallen in front of his face. His lips were pressed flat, unimpressed, as he pinned me with a chilling gaze.

"I expected more from you last night." He said slowly, his voice echoing the empty room.

I bit my lip, tasting blood on my tongue. My body now shook uncontrollably in a mix of fear and anger. I knew I was about to be punished for my failure the previous night, and at the thought, anxiety flowed through me along with another emotion. One that made my hands ball up into fist, squeezing until my knuckles went white.

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