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DAY 04

I STEERED MY truck off the main road to the path that I knew lead to the compound. Every mile I got closer, dread filled my body. Not only was I beyond tired, but I knew what was awaiting me.

Dr. Richard Grant. He had set expectations for me to begin working on his serums and produce results. Though, I did some cram reading on the topic, I knew that I wouldn't be able to produce anything worth while. I was an agent, not a science graduate. Each day that passed at the compound was borrowed time until my cover would be blown.

Besides, after the events of last night, I was determined to find something at this god forsaken place if it meant I could leave. I had no desire to stay in Blackwater even a minute longer than I had to. However, to be able to leave, I knew had to do something beyond playing intern for Dr. Grant. Somehow I had to search the compound for incriminating evidence, but how I would be able to do that I had yet to determine.

Eventually the compound came into sight, appearing as a distant shape among the thick trees. Driving up the gate, I flashed my access badge and was immediately let inside. However, what I saw immediately took me aback.

As I drove through the gate, my eyes glazed over the compound that had fallen into chaos. People dressed in lab-coats had all gathered outside, circled around a large metal box that they worked together to push toward the compound entrance. Knitting my brows together, I watched the ensuing scene curiously as I drove slowly past. A few people from the group cast me strange looks, and I glanced away, driving off to park my car.

What the hell was that?

Parking my car, I rushed out and to the scene. When I got there, Dr. Richard Grant was standing outside watching the scene while two men in lab-coats stood beside him. Eventually one of the men noticed me and whispered something into Dr. Grant's ear. The C.E.O. frowned before glancing at me.

"Miss Desario, you're early." Dr. Grant said pleasantly, his lips forming into a forced smile.

"What's going on?" I asked, gesturing to the large metal box that was slowly being pushed into the compound.

Dr. Grant looked at the box and back to me, his smile slipping, "One of our precious species managed to escape a few nights ago. We just now managed to secure the specimen." Dr. Grant explained, watching my face.

A specimen escaped? I thought to myself, glancing around the towering barbed wire fences that surrounded the compound. What kind of thing could have escaped this?

"A specimen?" I asked, glancing at the large metal box as it disappeared behind the doors of the compound and out of sight.

Dr. Grant clasped his hands behind his back, "Walk with me, Miss Desario." He said as he stepped forward and began walking to the entrance. I followed slowly behind him as we passed the guards who nodded at Dr. Grant before we walked through the entrance doors.

As we walked inside, I saw the metal box once again. Usuing their access badge, one of the researchers scanned open the elevator at the end of the hall. It opened with a ding and the surrounding researchers begin to push the box inside. As I watched, Dr. Grant suddenly stopped walking and turned to face me.

"The specimen was just a wolf, do not worry yourself. Our job here is to protect endangered canis species. This is what we do, but surely you already knew that..." Dr. Grant trailed off, giving me a dark look that made me pause.

"Of course sir." I replied easily, seeing that we had stopped at my office.

Dr. Grant nodded. "Good. Let this be a lesson so you don't waste my time asking questions you already know the answer to." He added coldly, pushing open the door to my office and stepping inside.

Species Unknown [Book 3: Canis]Where stories live. Discover now