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DAY 06

AT THE SIGHT, fear rushed through me. His eyes were absolutely terrifying, a glowing red that fixated wildly on me.

I felt myself suck in a breath, and I unconsciously began pressing myself further against the wall I was chained too. Anything I could do to put distance between me and whatever he was becoming.

Suddenly, his head jerked to the side, tilting as if to examine me. His burning red eyes staring holes into my face, looking at me, but seemingly no longer really seeing me. It was clear that the man I once knew was gone, slowly being replaced by some kind of maniac episode triggered by whatever the hell Dr. Grant injected him with.

Just then, he ripped his eyes away from me, lifting his clawed hands off the ground where deep groves were left in the solid concrete ground. Lifting his clawed hands to cover his face, he let out a guttural cry that echoed off the walls of the small room and made my blood run cold.

I had to get out of here! I thought desperately, tugging on desperately at my chains. I had a feeling that whatever he was becoming, I was about to find out, and soon. And I had a feeling it was not going to end well for me.

My eyes widened as I watched him drag his long dark nailed fingers down his face, drawing blood as he began desperately clawing at himself. All the while, his body began twisting and contorting violently as if it was out of his control.

First his shoulder dislocated itself with a pop before his back began to bend and twist as it expanded right before my eyes. Blood curdling cries or agony filled the once silent room as I watched the scene unfold before me. Frozen in fear, I stopped in my pursuit of freeing myself to watch the unbelievable sight.

His bare back bent and began to darken as his limbs began contorting and expanding. Something began spreading across his skin and I swallowed down the bile that rose in my throat when I realized that it was fur. Black fur. Slowly covering his skin as his body morphed into something.

Letting out a final cry, the man toppled over once again, falling to his side on the ground as his body convulsed in painful contusions. The sickening sound of joints dislocating and bones rearranging filled the cold room while I watched with horror as he began to...change.

His body began to arch, as black fur took over his body, replacing all of his once fair skin. Curling into himself, the fur took over as his body transformed itself into something else entirely until suddenly, everything stopped. The move int the agonizing cries and convulsions suddenly ceased, and the room fell into a heavy silence.

Eyes wide with disbelief, I looked over at the curled up figure of black fur laying in the middle of the room.

What the hell is that?

"Seven?" I called out, but deep in my mind I wasn't expecting an answer.

He looked dead, laying so still in the room. And after everything I had just witnessed, I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Just then, the mass of fur began to shift as he began to stand. However, he was no longer a he. As the creature stood, placing his paws out in the cold concrete, I shook my head in horror.

In his place, was no longer a man, but a wolf. A huge black wolf, like the ones I had seen trapee in the other cages down in this hell hole. However, this wolf was much larger, and had glowing red eyes that slowly fixated back on me.

"Seven?" I repeated, quieter this time. Unsure.

However, the wolf watched me for a moment before opening its jowls to show me it's teeth in a vicious snarl.

Species Unknown [Book 3: Canis]Where stories live. Discover now