Chapter 17

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She sighed in relief as she saw Petunia and Vernon, sat waiting. She was quick to rush over and sit with them.

"We thought you wouldn't make it here in time." Petunia whispered.
"I never fail." She smirked.
"The boy's should be out soon. After the Headmaster speaks." Petunia quickly explained.

"Welcome Parents, Guardians and family, to the year 6 Leavers Assembly. They have been working hard to pass their SAT'S and are now here to perform to you, to show everything from the last 7 years at this school. Of course, after the Leavers, children may have photo's taken of themselves, or siblings if that is what you wish. But for now, their speaches." The Headmaster spoke, happily.

Quite a lot of people spoke about their time at the school, and then it got to Harry's and Dudleys turn. Dudley spoke first.

"Hey, My Name is Dudley Dursley. Though my years at school, I've learnt a lot about... Well, I've learnt a lot. I love racing cars and I am going to the best school for High School!" Dudley explained, his speach short but of course, expected for his age.

Dudley went back to his seat as Harry walked up to the Mic.

"Hello... Uh... I-I'm Harry Potter... I feel like all of the stuff I've learnt through the years has made me... Well... Me." Harry explained, clearly shy. "I have an older sister and apparently I will be going to her school when I finish... Where that is, I have no idea." Harry spoke before moving back to his seat, letting the next person speak.

"You told Harry?" Rose asked.
"We won't be able to stop it now will we? You managed to get there even though we said no." Petunia sighed.

After everyone was finished talking, there was a bit of singing and then a presentation about everyone through school. Baby photo's ect.

For Harry and Dudley their photo was highly remembered by the family. It was the only photo that Harry and Rose were in, that was framed in the coridoor of the house.

The picture was Rose as a three year old girl, wearing a lovely pink dress, struggling to slightly hold Dudley in one hand and Harry in the other. She was grinning and laughing in the photo, and both of the boys were too.

Dudley seemed embarrased by the photo with Harry, but of course stopped due to Rose. Either way, the Leavers was ove rsoon and Parents were told they could take some photos.

Rose walked to her brother and cousin, instantly pulling them into a hug. Kissing each of them on the cheek.
The headmaster walked over, smiling.

"How about we start with you two boys? This is your sister, Harry?" He asked. Harry nodded. "How about one with all three of you, like your baby photo? Then one with your sister and Harry. Then Dudley with her. Then seperate." He suggested.
They did so.

Rose was in the middle, Harry on her right and Dudley on her left. She put her arms around her cousins and her brothers shoulders as the photo was taken.

The double photo's were taken and then the seperate ones were taken.

"Right then. We should get home. Come on." Vernon spoke.

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