Chapter 21

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The year finally began again. She was waiting in the Great Hall for the students to arrive. Pacing, due to her worry about her brother. What if the Dursleys didn't let him come to Hogwarts? What if he didn't make it onto the train? What if he said no to come to Hogwarts? What if he was dead somewhere or making trouble?!
She had around 2 panic attacks in the last hour.

Severus had given her a calming draught, which was stronger than a child her age should have been having. However, it seemed her stress was a bit too high and it didn't work. But he couldn't give her anymore.

Therefore, Professors were rushing around, trying to get in contact with Prefects or anyone in the train. Trying to get some information on Harry and where he was.

Rose was pacing even when other students began walking into the hall. She didn't care about them staring. How could she? her mind was focused on her baby brother. Nothing else.

When Fred and George walked in, they noticed how stress she seemed. He spoke quickly to Severus who explained in simple detail what was wrong with the girl and why she was acting in such a way.

"Rose... Here, Darling." Fred spoke softly, taking her into his arms as she cuddled to his chest.
In less than 2 minutes, she was asleep in his arms.

"Thank you, Mr Weasley. Take her to her bedroom please." Severus spoke. Fred nodded and took her to Gryffindor tower.

When Rose woke, she found herself in the Infirmary, clearly having been moved. Apparently she needed the rest so she was quite thankful towards Fred and Severus who had calmed her down and helped her get some rest finally.
She just hoped she would see her brother that day. She wanted information on him afterall.

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