Chapter 54

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She was wearing a simple white dress to the Ministry.
She had the Potter rings on her fingers as she walked towards the Ministry.
She was questioned for her wand, clearly unaware of who she actually was.

"Excuse me sir, do you not know who she is?" Someone asked.
"Sorry?" The man asked.
"That's Rosealine Potter." They explained.
"Lady Rosealine Potter." Rose corrected.
"Oh dear, so sorry Lady Potter." The man spoke, handing her wand back to her.
"It's alright." Rose smiled, heading straight past him and into the elevator of sorts. She pressed the Minister Button and went straight to his office.

"Minister! Lady Rosealine Potter." A women spoke.
Fudge stood up quickly to welcome her.

"Lady Potter." The Minister spoke, clearly surprised she had come.
"I've come to speak to you about Sirius Black." She explained.
"We told you, Lady Potter. We cannot speak to you about him if he cursed you to believe what he was saying that night." Fudge explained to her.
"Pardon you. I have not been cursed. Now, you will get a meeting hall for me so I can explain why he isn't guilty." She spat at Fudge.
"I..." Fudge mumbled.
"What did I just tell you? You will get me a meeting room, with however many minister members you need to make sure or ensure that I am telling the truth. You may give me truth potions, but you WILL give me a hall to explain why my uncle is not guilty. That is not a request. It is an order, Minister. So you'd do well to listen." Rose explained.
"Yes... Of course Lady Potter... Let me do that for you quickly. Are you alright with the  whole thing happening in around an hour?" The Minister asked, clearly out of words.
"Very well." Rose nodded.

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