Chapter 79

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The cake was huge but it ended up getting eaten. She had her dance with Fred.
She danced with Severus, Remus, Sirius for Daddy Daughter dances and of course, she danced with everyone else.

"May I take the bride for a dance?" Draco Malfoy asked.
"Of course you may." She smiled.

In the end, the younger students left as the alcoholic drinks began to come out for the older students and adults.
But once that was done, they returned back to where they were needed. Sirius's house for the next few days.

Fred and Rose went straight to their bedroom. Fred quickly helped Rose remove her dress and put it to the side of the room, before then removing his own clothing. Fred smirked as he helped Rose lay on the bed, gently pulling her underwear off.

"I love you so much." Fred told her, climbing on top of her.
"I love you too Fred. I'm so glad we are married now." She smiled, kissing him as he gently kissed her. His hands over her breasts, gently massaging them. Fred smirked when he heard her gasp softly. "Your a bit sensetive, love." He told her, moving his face under her jaw as he gently kissed her neck, sucking lightly.
"Can you blame me?" She laughed softly.
"Try not to be too loud, darling. Let's not wake your brother, he's sleeping next door." Fred reminded her, helping her wrap her legs around his waist.
"I'll try. But no promises." She smirked.
"Cheeky." Fred smirked, he kissed her as he pushed himself into her, trying to block her moans from being too loud.

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