Chapter 43

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Rose completed her homework before deciding to go out for a fly. She got into some jeans and a sports bra before walking over to Snape.

"What's with the get up?" Snape asked, sipping his coffee as he motioned to her outfit.
"I wanted to go and fly around for a bit. Am I aloud?" she questioned.
"Go right ahead. Be back before 9pm." He told her.

Rose nodded and headed out to the Quiditch feild. She grabbed a snitch before throwing it to the side. It instantly flew off.
She caught the snitch a few times and in no time at all it was 8:30 so she headed back to Snape's.

When she got back, she ate her dinner before going to dinner.

During Summer she was only in contact with Snape and Remus only. Fred was busy on vacation so she didn't really speak with him.
They had however planned over letter that they would tell the others they were dating the day before Hogwarts. Everyone would be meeting at the Leaky Cauldron. Until then, Rose was stuck in Snape's eyes for safety reasons.
She was however having sort of heat changes which confused her.

Rose was waiting for Snape the day before Hogwarts. He was taking her to the Leaky Cauldren. Then he would take her to Hogwarts trainstation.

"I have some rules." Severus spoke.
"Great... Rules. I can protect myself from my own uncle." She sighed.
"You know about the issue?" Severus asked.
"Well I know about it all. However, Uncle Padfoot would never hurt me. I already know." She smirked.
"He's dangerous Rose, don't bet that he wouldn't hurt you." Severus told her.
"I know, Severus. But I trust him. Even if he's concidered a murderer. I understand that he either did it for a reason... or he might have been framed." She lied. She knew it wasn't Sirius at all. She was there when the whole thing happened.

Either way, Severus Floo called Molly to get a trash can ready for Rose, before finally apparating her to the Leaky Cauldren.

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