Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

“Oh, you guys,” Vega sniffled. Her eyes were moist from the laughter attack she had just endured. Joshua sent her a sour look as response.

Why him? That was the only question that kept echoing inside Joshua’s mind. Frustrated, he ran a hand over his face, rubbing his forehead briefly.

I don’t want to be bonded to Joshua!’

Joshua gasped in surprise. Looking in confusion at Eric, who was sitting on the ground fiddling with a piece of grass. Could it be?

Instantly Eric looked up, and their widened eyes met.

“Crap!” both of them exclaimed and turned to Vega.

“What?” she asked.

“Did you know this would happen?” Joshua couldn’t believe this. All the secrets he suspected Vega had been hiding rushed to the front of his mind.

“No,  seriously, what?” Vega asked once more.

Dude, I don’t think she knows.’

“Get out of my head!” Joshua exploded. Anger seared through him and as his fist clenched he had to breathe loud to stay calm.

“Get out of mine!” Eric shouted back.

“Whoa. What’s going on?” Vega’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. She looked between them, waiting patiently for a reply.

“Stop acting like you don’t know!” Joshua directed his anger towards Vega.

“I don’t!” Vega protested.

“Solem! You’ve been hiding something for days! It all makes sense now.” Joshua took a few steps closer, towering over her.

“Guys! Stop arguing!” Eric interjected.

“What... Are... You... Talking... about?” Vega asked through gritted teeth while she blatantly ignored Eric. Joshua could see her fists clench tightly together.

“You knew perfectly well what was going to happen when we placed those stones. Just like you knew where to find them.” Joshua would have said more, but Eric’s open palm whipped across his face, startling him just enough to make him stop.

“Joshua, seriously, knock it off. We got more serious things to worry about, and right now, we really need to get moving. Now, come on.” Eric edged in between the two of them, guiding Vega to a safer distance.

Joshua rubbed his stinging cheek. He clenched his jaw and stared hard at Eric for a few moments, trying his hardest to control his anger. Over Eric’s shoulder, he caught a glimpse of Vega and the expression of pure, bewildered pain on her face.

“Fine,” Joshua muttered, turning away from Eric. Anger still burned in his mind, but he felt it shifting to himself.

What am I doing? Everything he needed to know he saw in Vega’s eyes, and he couldn’t have been more wrong. He knew he should go to her and apologize, but his embarrassment held him back.

“After you,” Joshua finally said, motioning for Vega to lead the way. He hoped he didn't sound as angry as he felt. However, the look he received from Vega, told him he failed.

Vega huffed loudly and with a last menacing look towards him, she staggered towards the entrance. For some reason, Joshua had no doubt that this wasn't over yet. He feared that she would kick his ass, when she got the chance. Despite his anger, the thought made him smirk slightly. She is more than welcome.

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