Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Everything was black. It didn’t bother him as much as he thought it would. It was peaceful, and he was able to float. He felt weightless and at ease. Nothing could worry him here.

How come she has healed so fast?’

The thought interrupted his peace and he shook his head to make it go away.


He shook his head harder. Go away! I don’t want you… He didn’t need any thoughts, and he didn’t need anyone. He only needed peace.

‘Hmm… This might work…’

The voice aggravated him. He didn’t like it, and he wanted to stop it from ever speaking again.

‘Vega is nice to me… I like that…’

Something stirred deep inside him. Vega… That name, he knew that name – He loved that name. It annoyed him that the voice would dare to put that name to use, the voice wasn’t worthy of her name.

‘Oh man. Vega has a fine looking piece of ass from this angle…’

Joshua opened his eyes instantly. He looked disorientated around at his two friends before his mind caught up. Eric… That son of a… he stopped himself and tried to remain calm. That was when the guy’s facial expression turned into a smug grin.

Joshua didn’t think. He didn't have any control over his actions. In the spur of a moment, he was up and tackled Eric. His fist slammed down on the pretty grin repeatedly. He wanted it gone.

“Joshua! What in Solem’s name are you doing?” Vega’s scream and shouts didn’t register. He didn’t care; all he wanted, was for Eric to stop his grinning.

His bloodied knuckle went up, and he caught sight of the crimson spots. It wasn’t from him. Flabbergasted he looked down at Eric, who was pinned beneath him. His battered and bruised face stared back up at him, the blue eyes scanning the surroundings.

“Solem…” Joshua muttered and scrambled away. He didn’t know why he had acted that way. Justification for his actions wasn’t possible. When he looked up, he saw Vega help Eric, and he had to fight the urge to jump at him again.

A deep growl settled in the base of his throat, and he was just as surprised to hear it as the other two were.

“Joshua, what’s wrong with you right now?” Vega asked.

He couldn’t answer; he didn’t have an answer to give even if he wanted to. Ashamed, he looked away. It stabbed at his heart, to see them touch. Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I reacting like this?

“Josh, I swear. It was only to wake up,” Eric said. Joshua looked over and saw her arms around Eric. He fixated on it, and the anger inside started to increase. It wasn’t until Eric stepped away from Vega that Joshua calmed down.

“What happened?” Vega asked.

Joshua looked down at the ground. He didn't want to answer that particular question. In fact, he had tried to avoid it. An uncomfortable feeling spread inside him, and he could feel Vega's eyes on him.

"Nothing..." he muttered.

"It sure didn't look like nothing when you were trying to give Eric's face a total make-over," she said. Joshua couldn't say anything to that. It had been a stupid instant reaction, which he couldn't honestly justify.

"Arh, man!" Eric complained. Joshua looked up to see him turn his head back at an unhealthy angle. His nose was bleeding, and his lip was cracked open. A tug of guilt settled in his stomach, and Joshua had to force himself not to cringe at the sight.

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