Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Vega was in trouble. Countless invisible bonds ripped at her skin, preventing her from moving. She stared at the person in front of her, his dark blue eyes winked playfully at her. Blake… How are you here? The words couldn’t escape her lips – the mere sight of him rendered her speechless.

“Oh, love. You seem so surprised to see me.” His alluring voice caused a bunch of memories to rush through her mind. Each memory from Miriam tugged at her heart. Vega wanted to weep, to cry out in anger and betrayal – but she couldn’t do anything. She was forced to relive each memory to the soundtrack of Blake’s sinister laugh.

Help me, her plea was a silent thought. Joshua…

“I bet you’re waiting for those little friends of yours to come and save you,” Blake said, his voice was calm, and he seemed unconcerned as he walked back and forth. “That won’t happen though.”

He stopped right in front of her, sticking his face close to hers. His eyes met hers, and after a moment, he moved his head to speak softly into her ear.

“You’ll regret that you ever left Villa Hertz, Miriam. You might think that you’re all mighty and superior now, but I know better. I know your weaknesses.” His breath tickled her ear, and a sickening feeling spread through her.

The only reason I haven’t killed you again is because you so cowardly have me pinned. She had no idea if he could hear her, but the glance he shot her made her believe that he heard.

“Don’t challenge me, love.” Blake caressed her cheek with a single finger. Vega wanted to cry out in pain at the searing pain that it caused. Yet, she could not utter a word. His smile was merciless as he added, “You’ll regret it.”

Go to hell!

“Now, don’t be rude, love. I came back just to see you; couldn’t you at least feign a little happiness?” He smirked.

It was the first time that he had responded directly to her thoughts, and Vega decided to take advantage of it.

Why are you doing this?

Blake stepped away, and spread out his arms; his grin stretched wide over his face.

“Why? Because I missed you, love. Our short summer fling ended so abruptly when... You know... You killed me.” He shrugged. “And I couldn’t just leave it at that - You really hurt my feelings, Miriam.”

Vega didn’t know why he insisted on calling her Miriam, and right now, she didn’t care either.

Loosen my bonds, and let’s talk it over then, she tried. Blake exaggerated an eye roll at that, and Vega could feel her strains tighten.

“You really think that I’d be that stupid? Love, you underestimate my intelligence. Don’t worry, you’ll get your chance to fight back,” he said. Then added, “That is if you don’t die first.”


Blake laughed heartily at this.

“I can see that you let that little brat of a sister, take over your thoughts. You might want to tame her at some point. We wouldn’t have her stir something irrational, would we?”

Vega ignored him and continued to struggle against the bonds.

“You’re just going to tire yourself out, love.”

Let me go!

“Or what? Will you stay there, unable to do anything, if I don’t?” He gasped mockingly. “I’m shaking!”

The Lores of Lyra - Shattered Star [Book II]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum