Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Joshua was warm. Everything is so hot. He tried to escape the heat, but he couldn't - he was restrained.

When he opened his eyes, everything was blurry.

Vega, something had happened to Vega... He jerked up into a sitting position and to his surprise found that he was in a bed. Silk sheets were wrapped around his body. He lifted them carefully and gasped as he saw the bloody bandage wrapped around various limbs.

"Don't worry, it's not blood," a deep voice said from his right. Joshua snapped his head around and looked at Garnet.

"What happened?" he demanded to know. "Where's Vega?"

"All in good time. First of all let's get those bandages off you," the Elder answered. Joshua had little choice but to agree, and with a disgruntled complain, he stood from the bed. Garnet started to unwrap the red-spotted cotton rolls from his body.

"If that's not blood, what is it?" Joshua asked.

"It is a special mixture made from the various Star flora that are now available to us," Garnet replied. He placed his hands on Joshua's shoulders and turned him around to face the wall. "It is to help heal severely wounded people."

"I was severely wounded?" Joshua frowned. He tried to recall what had happened, but only a flimsy blur resurfaced in his mind.

"You were on the brink of death, Joshua."


"Let me finish here, and I'll tell you everything," the Elder said. There was no room for arguments in his voice, and Joshua swallowed his growl of annoyance. His attention was fast averted when he saw the many scars on his body. A long white scar ran across his ribs, and multiple scratches indented over his pecks.

"It seems that you must have a Star watching over you, I wasn't sure that you'd survive such fierce attacks." Garnet folded the used cloth and placed them on a small bed table. "Come with me, please."

Joshua followed the man out of the small hospice.

"We have organized a healing department at every Star Temple all across Astron. There was many victims from the Black Holes realm, and not everyone has survived." Garnet took him down a dimmed lit hall. The white marble reflected shadows everywhere, and Joshua sidestepped them out of instinct.

At the end of the hall, Garnet led Joshua outside in the Garden. He walked to a small bench and sat down. "Please take a seat, Joshua."

Joshua looked around in the Garden, it was different from the last time he had seen it. The Star temples had always been a secluded place for divinity. Now there was women walking around with children, looking over the beautiful scenery. He turned to Garnet. "What happened?"

"I am afraid that we won't know for sure, but what I collected from small bits of information, was that the realm has been destroyed."

"No, I meant. What happened to Vega?" He looked around, trying to spot the fiery red hair. "Where is she?"

"Oh, my dear boy..." Garnet lowered his head. "I am afraid that Vega is not among us anymore."

Joshua was taken aback. He tried to comprehend the statement, but he was unable to. His mouth formed words with no sound coming out.

"You were delivered here in a poor state. Only accompanied by a letter." Garnet took a small envelope forth.


It saddens me that I am unable to bring this new information in person. The black holes aren't fully defeated. However, their portals to the world have been sealed off. The sacrifices to this are unbearable to speak of, but I beg of you that you give Joshua and Eric my deepest apologies.

The Lores of Lyra - Shattered Star [Book II]Where stories live. Discover now