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Takemichi walked behind Mikey into the Toman meeting. Everyone was staring at him probably wondering who this random punk was and why he was walking with their commanders. Takemichi kept his gaze on the floor in an attempt to not draw more attention to himself or anger one of the members.

He stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking into the sky as he was too anxious to look at anything or anyone else.

Can this please just end already? Everyone is looking at me... I'm gonna die!

The boy thought that everyone was looking at him because they were pissed off, but in actuality, they were wondering where their commander had found such a cute boy. Unknowingly, because of his embarrassment and anxiousness his cheeks flushed pink making him look even more adorable.

Finally, the meeting ended, from what Takemichi picked up(he wasn't listening) they were talking about some gang called "Moebious" or something like that. “C'mon, Mitchy!” Mikey called out to him, snapping him out of his trance. That nickname again..’ Takemichi turned to Mikey who was walking towards him with a very tall guy beside him. Maybe it was just because Takemichi was short, but the dude looked at least 6 feet. “Meet Ken-Chin. Mikey gestured to the tall man- boy?

“Stop being weird Mikey, you're scaring our new friend. It's Draken, not ken-chin by the way.” The boy (he's so damn tall he could pass as a man to me.) “Draken” said, placing a hand atop the shorter boy's head. “U-um, hi? I'm Takemichi.” Takemichi introduced himself, trying his hardest not to flinch when Draken spoke up again “Oh, I know.” He said We all know who you are. You have no idea how much Mikey babbles about you.” Michi’s eyes widened. Mikey talks about him? To his friends? He worries about what he told them. “R-really?” “Yeah, now let's go to the others. I'm sure they're interested in meeting the infamous Takemitchy.”

Suddenly Takemichi feels like crying again. What if doesn't make a good first impression? But then again, Mikey seems to have done that already. ‘I wonder if he told them that I'm the brother of their enemy.’ Draken and Mikey came to a halt causing Takemichi to walk right into Mikey's back. “Huh?” “Hey guys,” Mikey called out “he's here!”  Takemichi peeked from behind only to immediately go back to hiding behind Mikey. “He’s a little shy. C’mon, Mitchy!” Mikey turned around, grabbed Takemichi and shoved him in front. ‘This should be considered a form of harassment–’ “See? They're friendly!” Mikey happily exclaimed, putting his arms around Takemichi who was shaking like a leaf due to the pressure of having all eyes on him.

‘They look like they wanna kill me!’

“Hey, he's scrawnier than I thought!” A taller boy with a pink afro and a very intimidating smile said “Yeah, you said he was small but damn he's even shorter than you, Mikey.” Another boy with fangs and long (and luscious) black hair said. ‘I’m not that short, he's only taller than me by an inch or two!’ “To think a cutie like you of all people would be related to Hanma.” Takemichi's eyes widened slightly, but he wasn't very surprised. “He told you?” “Yeah, you're the complete opposite of your brother.” Said a boy with a blue afro and an angry face. “The same could be said about you and Smiley.”

Takemichi knew that Mikey was doing this on purpose. Mikey’s so damn clingy that even if Takemichi’s only known him for a week and a half he knows a lot about his personality, specifically towards him. What Takemichi doesn't know is why. Why do this when he knows Takemichi is scared shitless of his friends? It's almost like a enjoys seeing Takemichi suffer. (Spoiler: He does and in both a sexual and non-sexual way) The crew introduced themselves and Mikey continued to cling to him like a baby with its mother.

The first people Takemichi ended up becoming friends with were Chifuyu and Baji who were the captains of the 1st division.

Then Souya and Nahoya captains of the 4th division. Souya who's nicknamed “Angry” because he always looks mad and his twin brother Nahoya who's nicknamed “Smiley” because he is always smiling. Never judge a book by its cover though, because despite the nicknames their personalities are pretty opposite with “Angry” being the nice and soft one and “Smiley” being the mean and violent one.
(Still don't be fooled though, Souya’s a damn menace as well, just not as much as his brother is.)

Then came Mitsuya and Hakkai captains of the 2nd division. Pah-Yan and Peh of the 3rd and finally Muto and Sanzu of the 5th division

Maybe it was because he was new and anxious (Or because Mikey threatened them) but the gang treated him pretty kindly (as kind as a bunch of menaces can get).

Eventually, Takemichi got sleepy and had to return home.

Ne, did you have fun, Mitchy?” Mikey helped Takemichi onto his bike, “Uh-huh, your friends are nice, Manjirou-Kun.” Takemichi lazily answered, resting his head against Mikey's shoulder. Mikey smiled softly at him, “Glad you enjoyed it.”

Mikey drove to the Hanma estate in silence, enjoying the time he had with his Takemichi. Hanma usually wasn't home as he'd be out with friends, drinking and smoking.

Once he arrived, Takemichi was already knocked out. Mikey smiled as he picked his Takemichi up bridal style, unlocked the door (Don't bother to ask where he got the key from) and entered the house. He made his way to his Takemichi's bed and sat on the bed, laying him on his lap. His Takemichi's hair was ruffled and messy and he had some drool on his lips. “So cute.” Mikey cooed and played with the raven's hair. “It’s surprising that Hanma doesn't hide you.” He whispered, “If I had a sibling this cute, I'd lock him up to keep him safe from the cruel world outside.”

Mikey then laid his Takemichi on the bed and cuddled him closely, he pulled the sheets over them and nuzzled his nose into the raven's hair, taking in his heavenly scent. “Sleep well, my Mitchy.”



A/N: In this au the Toman gang knew Hanma from before the canon series. Also, Takemichi and Hanma are half-siblings so they have different last names.

No cause I'm so fucking happy that Attack on Titan S4 part 3 is out. I already read the manga and I'm ready to cry when this gets animated. :)


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