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I stopped walking and frowned.

Last time I came here I got in trouble.

"You're fine. Come on."

He kicked open the door and we made our way up the stairs.

The roof was just as I had left it.

I looked around and went back to the place I had fallen asleep and laid down.

The stars were beautiful but in a slightly different pattern.

Ghost let out a sigh as he leaned against the wall of the building.

"You have 30 minutes."

I nodded and began to day dream.

"When I die, I hope I'm looking up at the stars."


I could stare at the stars all night.

My eyes began to get droopy.

I haven't slept in three days.

I hope I die like this.

Looking up at the stars.

I opened my eyes and looked around

Where am I?

I was on a bed with the blanket just under my neck.

Did Ghost tuck me in?

I sat up and stretched.

I'm so tired yet nice and warm.

Is the heater on?

I looked to the side and saw a small heater that hadn't been there last on the nightstand.

Well that was nice of Soap.

I should thank him.

I stood up and stretched, wincing when I felt my bones popping and cracking.

I'm getting old.

I opened the door and found Ghost doing push ups on the bedroom floor.

"What's up with you?" I asked scratching my stomach.

"Working out. Something you should be doing too."

"No thanks. I'll pass. Where's Soap?"


"I need to thank him for the heater. That was very thoughtful of him."


I walked past Ghost and made my way to the shower. It's been a while since I got clean.

After I was done, I got dressed and looked around the building until I found Soap playing video games with Gaz.

"Oh, hey, YN! How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I'm clean. Thanks for the heater by the way."

"Huh? Hey, Gaz, stop cheating!"

"You're just bad at this!"

""The heater you put in my room."

"Oh, that was Ghost. He saw you shivering and hunted around till he found a heater. He made me help him. You should thank him."

"That's weird. He didn't mention anything when I brought it up."

"He's shy like that."

"I'm not shy. I just didn't see the reason to bring it up."

We all turned to the skull masked man.

"Aye, you're just a big softie, you are."

"I'm not a softie. How bout I show you-"

I turned and walked out of the room. I'm hungry.

Is there any breakfast?

Price was in the kitchen flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs.

"Why are you always the one cooking?" I asked walking over and sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Because all these boys don't know how to cook. They'd burn an egg if given the chance."

"Ah. Well, thank you for your service, Captain Price." I saluted him jokingly.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"How are your cooking skills, hm?"

"We'll, I've made it this far, so I think it's eatable."

"Alright. Grab those sausages and get to cooking them."

"Aye aye captain." I hopped to my feet and got to cooking.

I hummed as the sizzling filled the kitchen.

"You're pretty good at this." Price nodded In approval.

"Why thank you."

He handed me two plates of pancakes and eggs and I took them to the table.

I hummed as I set them down and helped set the table.

Ghost walked in and looked around.

I made eye contact with him and paused.

What's he staring at?

Does he wanna fight or something?

"Eh hem."

We both looked at Price who cleared his throat.

"Excuse me. Frog in my throat." He smirked.

I shrugged and looked back at Ghost.

"Help me or something. Make yourself useful."

He raised an eyebrow at me and I returned the favor.

He walked over and started setting down forks and knives.

Price let out a chuckle and finished the sausages.

"Alright, breakfast is ready!" He called out and I sat down. Soap and Gaz ran over laughing and pushing each other out of the way. Ghost sat in front of me and I dodged elbows and punches.

I huffed and noticed Ghost staring at me again.

"What do you want, bruh?"

"I didn't do anything."

"You're staring."

"No I'm not."

"Oh, by the way. Thank you for the heater."

Ghost looked away and nodded.

"It's whatever."

"If you say so." I began to dig into my breakfast.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now