58. Drinks

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(If anyone knows the artist, do tell so I can credit them! Also, thank you for 200k reads!)

We walked into the bar and I looked around.

"Look! A dance floor!" 

"We'll definitely be using that later." Soap grinned.

Laswell,who joined us, found a table.

"YN, let's go get everyone drinks. I know what everyone likes." Soap suggested and I followed him to the bar.

"So...did you have fun?" Soap asked and I did a double take when I saw the cheeky grin on his face.

"What are you talking about?"

"We could hear you both as we walked passed the room. I didn't take LT as a whine and whimper."

I turned red and stared at him.

"You're so gross!" I smacked him and he laughed.

"Come on. We could all hear you and the Ghost. It's not our fault you two know how to please each other in the best ways possible. Thank you." Soap said as the bartender brought us our drinks and we returned to the table.

"What's wrong?" Ghost asked as I sat next to him.

"Nothing, why?" I asked and he examined my face.

"You look flustered."

"I'm just excited to drink and dance." I fixed my dress and hair.


Konig was downing one drink after another and I began to get worried for him.

"Hey, slow down... don't you think you're drinking a lot?"

"Ah, no need to worry. It takes a lot to get me drunk."

"If you say so..."

I thought back to poor Makia. Poor poor Makia.

How can I be having a good time when she's scared and alone?

"Budge really likes to nest in my room, doesn't she?"

"I know. I haven't seen her in a bit." I laughed and sipped my drink.

"She's nesting in one of my hats. She hisses if I try to grab it."

"Sorry, she's very territorial."

"It's okay. I'm just happy she's comfortable sleeping in my room with me."

"She is cute, isn't she?"


I kept drinking and drinking and so did everyone else.

"Ghost, let's dance!" I stood up and tried to pull him to his feet.

"I don't dance." He sat down.

"Come on!" I tugged on him.

"Come on, LT, dance with her." Soap laughed and I blushed.

"Come on!" I tugged on him and everyone began to chant "Dance, dance, dance!"

They whistled when he stood up and let me drag him to the dance floor.

I smiled and began to dance while he stood stiffly.

"Come on, let lose!"

"I don't dance."

"There's a first time for everything!"

"We look like idiot, we're the only ones on the dance floor."

"Everyone else is a lame ass."

I smiled and danced on my own but didn't leave his side.

He needed to see someone else letting lose to do so himself.

I felt someone put their hands on my hips and I turned around ready to fight a bitch when I saw it was only Konig.

"You scared me!" I laughed and he chuckled.

"Sorry about that."

Ah, liquid courage.

I laughed and we began dancing together.

"See Ghost? It's easy!"

"Forget about him." Konig pulled me close.

"What?" I asked confused and glanced at his hand that was creepy down my back.

I tried to pull my hand out of his but he tightened his grip and held me to his body.

"Forget about him. You don't need him."


"Because you have me. I won't just use you for my own amusement."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now