44. Whoops

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Giggling filled the room.

It was 2:34 in the morning and we were having a great time.

"Wanna play just dance?!"

"Soap, we'll be to loud!"

"I'm down. I am sure we can be quiet enough." Konig stood up.

"Didn't take you for a dancer." I smiled at him.

"I'm not. But it does sound like fun."

"It is. Soap, is it alright if Konig and I go first?"

"Of course. Go ahead."

Konig sucked at it so I beat him by a mile.

But nonetheless, it was fun.

"Soap, you go first. I'm tired."

I sat down on the bed and watched them dance to Micheal Jackson.

Hm? I glanced at the door and my eyes widened.

I threw myself on the bed, back to the door, and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened and the dancing stopped.



"Lieutenant...how are you this early... early morning." Konig asked nervously.

"We'll discuss this later."

I felt myself be picked up and Ghost carried me to the door.

"Put her down."

I peaked over and saw a stern look on Konig's face.


"I said. Put. Her. Down."

"Don't speak on what you don't know, Konig."

"I know that YN is tired of you. Tired of you controlling her, acting like she's just an asset and not a human. I know she doesn't like you and wishes you would leave her alone. So like I said, put her down."

I gave Konig a thumps up and Ghost looked down at me.

"Whoops. Uh, I just woke up?"

"She's not your friend, Konig. The only reason she's being friendly with you is because she's trying to gain everyone's trust to make it easier to run away. Don't be fooled. Goodnight you two."

I pouted as I was carried out bridal style.

"You're always so mean to me..."

"I'm not mean. I just see through you."

He laid me down on the bed and crawled in next to me.

"You're not getting away this time."

"Fuck you."

"Just go to bed. We train tomorrow."

"How did you know I was out of bed?"

"I got up to check on you."


It's been a couple of days.

There's more and more tension between Ghost and Konig each day.

"Come on, Konig is a great guy! Why do you have beef with him?" I looked up at Ghost as I laid on a puddle of my sweat and tears.

We were sparing and I couldn't keep up.

"I don't."

"Then what's going on with you two? There's obviously something wrong. You two have stare downs and fight to sit next to me. You both are so passive aggressive."

"Nothing is happening, YN. We're civil with each other."

"Not really. Everyone noticed."

Ghost finally looked back and down at me from the weapons he was cleaning.

"You're imagining things."

"Ah, YN, what are you doing here? Oh. Hello Ghost."


The room turned icy as they refused to break eye contact.

"Are you trying to fuck each other?" I asked still laying on the ground.



"I can't think of any other reason you guys are acting this way. Ghost, can I go?"

"Since when do you ask for permission?"

"Very true. Goodbye."

I got up and ran out of the room.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now