39. Zoo

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(Okay okay, I know my chapters are short, I'm sorry. It's just easier since I post more than one a week. Here's an extra chapter as an apology.)

"Hurry up!"

I ran ahead as we entered the zoo.

The smell of musk, popcorn, almonds and animals filled the air.

It was amazing.

"I hate this already." Ghost made it to my side as I contemplated jumping into the alligator exhibit for a bit of wrestling.

"Come on, don't be a pain in the ass, let's have fun!"

Ghost sighed but let me lead the way.

The zoo was fun, apart from Ghost not letting me in to play with the lions or fist fight a silverback, it was chill.

Now it's time for sleep at a hotel Price booked next to the zoo.

"This is it. Room 69."

"Nice." I grinned.

"What's nice?"


"Come on, let's go inside, I'm freezing. Plus we gonna clean your wound."

He used the key and pushed open the door.

"I call dibs on this bed!"

I jumped on the first bed I saw and snuggled into the pillow.

"Where's the other bed?"

I opened my eyes and looked around.

"Uh...maybe there's another room?"

"I'm calling Price."

I sat up and stretched.

"Price, why is there only one bed?"

He was quiet as he listened.

"What do you mean we should just share the bed!?"

"Eww, never!" I cringed.

"But Price! Uh huh. Uh huh. Mh hm. Okay." He hung up and sighed.

"Price made a mistake and got a one bed instead of a two."

"That's to bad. Hope the floor is clean enough for you to sleep comfortably. Hey, let go of me!"

I was dragged off the bed, pulling the blanket with me.

"Give me that." I was yanked back up as he pulled the blanket over himself.

"Leave me alone. I'm sleeping on the bed!"

"No, I am."

"Nuh uh!"

"What are you, 16?"

"Come on, give me the bed!"

"No way. You sleep on the floor."

"Be a gentleman."

"Chivalry is dead."

"And you'll be dead too if you don't let me sleep on the bed."

"I'd like to see you try."

"You're lucky you're injured." I laid my head down on his chest.

"That still won't make things even."

"You think just because you're a guy, you have the advantage?"

"No, it's because I'm stronger than you. I've trained longer and I know more techniques."

"Yeah, sure you do. GET OFF ME!" I tried to pull his arm off from around my neck.

"I'm not even choking you, I'm just holding you at bay."

"I'm going to scream! Umph!" His other hand was now over my mouth.

I licked his palm and he chuckled.

"It'll take a lot more for me to take my hand off."

I pushed two of his fingers into my mouth and began to run my tongue around them, sucking on them roughly.

I gagged as he pushed them in deeper and pulled me closer.

I looked up at him and continued to suck, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.

Drool dripped down my lips.

He looked at me through his mask and his arm came loose from around my neck.

He pushed his fingers deeper down my throat, causing me to gag again.

"Ahh, you got this. Keep going."

I nodded and kept sucking on his fingers, letting him wipe the drool off my chin.

"Good girl."

(The next chapter will be a lemon so be warned.)

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now