72. You're still here!?

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(Im back to #1! Yay! Idk if I'll give an extra chapter today. Although, someone went back and voted on all my chapters...idk tho, convince me.)

I have been walking for an hour and a half.

I'm getting increasingly annoyed.

I turned around and glared at the car that's been slowly following me.


They stopped driving and I glare before continuing on my way again.

I could hear them start driving again.

"I SAID STOP IT!" I turned and glared.

They stopped and I picked up a rock, throwing it at their windshield.

"Leave me alone! I'm trying to get away from you!"

One of the car's door opened and Ghost stepped out of the Jeep.

"YN, we need to talk."

"I'm not talking to any of you."

"Please, we'll give you a ride to wherever you're heading."

"Absolutely not."

"YN, please. I know I messed things up, let me fix it."

"No, no, no, no! You left me for dead! You said you loved me and then left me! They came for you and left me! Do you know how unfair that is!? Do you know how hurtful that is!?"

"I understand, but-"

"You understand nothing. You don't know what it's like to be left for dead, you have a team behind you!"

"I do know! I do!"

He went on to tell me how he was tortured and left buried alive but he managed to get out. He told me about how his father and brother scared him and how he saw a prostitute overdose. He told me everything.

"You're not crying... how do I know you're not lying?"

"I had to live with this all my life. And you weren't crying when you told me about your dad."


"I'm so sorry, YN. I wanted to go back and look but they flew away. Now, will you please get in the car?"

"Your apologies mean nothing to me." I said before heading to the car.

I opened the door and hopped in between Soap and Ghost.

The ride was quiet.

It was awkward.

No one wanted to talk but everyone had something they wanted to say.

"Your arm. It's broken?" I glanced at Ghost then at my arm.

"Yeah. Probably not horribly. But broken."

"Sorry for pushing you off that tree. And for hitting you with the gun." Gaz glanced at me.

"I'll get my revenge." I assured and I saw a shiver go down his back.

It went back to being awkwardly quiet.

"I'm sorry I thought you were dead. I should have known better." Soap glanced at me.

"Yeah. You should have."

"YN? Dead? Impossible." Soap smiled.

I grinned.

"Exactly. God is to scared of me to bring me to the afterlife just yet. Especially now that they have my sister."

I let out a sigh and poked my stomach.

I've lost some weight since my fake death.

Stacy says it's depression, I say it's hot girl summer time.

Stacy then slapped me and told me to shut up.

I took my phone out and began texting and listening to Mary on a cross by Ghost on my earbuds.

It's a weirdly addictive song.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now