First day pt.2

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    I got to the girls locker room, and met up with Maya and Anna. Talking about how Brandt and Dustin like Maya and Maya was going to ask out Brandt or Dustin. Then this wrinkly ass gym teacher comes in screaming at us for talking over her. She needs to shut the fuck up, I sat on the bench zoning out thinking just getting out of this shitty class when I was pulled out of my thoughts when Anna was called up to kick the ball.

    She rolled up her sleeves and pulled up her shorts trying to get Alex's attention which resulted him to sigh roll the ball to Anna which hit him in the nose and him falling back on the ground. I giggled a little bit but quickly stopped when people gave me glares.

    I was at my locker putting my shit away and getting ready for lunch when Brandt and Dustin come running down the hallway, "Dustin said yes!" And "No no no, Brandt says yes!" Then the donkey which I assume names is Becca came up to them. "Guys stop this is like so mean just tell her" Brandt and Dustin laughed at that then ran down the hallway scream "UGIS" "UGIS BIATCH" What the fuck does UGIS mean. "What?" Maya said confused what UGIS meant "Oh honey don't you know it means ugliest girl and school oh and Anna they said why are you wearing bra when theirs nothing to fit it" Maya was about to cry and I felt so bad. Then the bitch spoke again "Oh yea! Elle your like the most hottest girl in school now and heather is so jealous. Bye!"

    Maya and Anna ran off to the bathroom leaving me at my locker okay... then Alex comes up to me, "wassup Elle did you hear bout the UGIS girl that was so funny I wish I was there to see it" he laughed I gave him a dirty glare "That "UGIS" is my friend Alex" Alex looked shocked "oh shit" oh shit my ass bitch "wanna come sit with me and my friends?" "Sure" he smiles blushing and interlocks our hands again. BSJSHEJEJSN OMG

    When we got to the "popular kids table" I sat next to Alex and our hands were still interlocked under the table thinking no one would see. But Dustin saw and winked at Alex "Alex new girlfriend aye?" He teased were not fucking dating but I wish "oh no he's not my bo" I get cut off my Alex him saying "yea Elle is my new girl" he then pecks my lips,proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist and cuddle his face into my neck. Omg he is so cute! I thought blushing.

    It was now the last period of the day and I was dreading it, I just wanted to go home away from this shitty school and the drama about me and Alex. I see Anna and Maya walk in I wave and them and they smile back at me. Maya walks up confidently up to her seat, "you guys!GUYS!" Which caused some kids talking to look at her "After school I'm gonna bitch out Brandt and Dustin" she said confidently again then turned around to the board. Then some kid whispered to another kid "she's gonna get her butt kicked" I gave her a glare and flipped her off and she immediately stopped.

    I however didn't notice Alex looking at me again from the other side of the room leaning his head, sighing happily admiring Elle when Brandt hits Alex's arm to get him out of thoughts. Alex groans not wanting to talk to Brandt right now and just wanted to keep staring at Elle (I CHANGED IT CUZ ITS SO BAD I WROTE THIS SUCH A LONG TIME AGO 😭😭)

"Yo Alex" "What Brandt" Alex says annoyed already "Maya and Anna, and me and Dustin are gonna have a bitch out after school and we want you too come" oh shit Alex thought "Fine I'll be there"

It seemed like Elle and Alex were having the same thought.

Shits about go down.........

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying this Alex story thing or whatever. I wanna thank you for the people who added this story and I truly wanna thank you (you know who you are) I have a school dance tomorrow and I might not be able to post a new chapter but I will write a authors note update about that! ☺️❤️

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