Chapter 15

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Lily was met with versions of welcome from all of my brothers, who eventually made their way over to Anton and I in front of the TV. She held a shy smile and Charlie wrapped his arm around her waist, guiding her over to us.
"No funny business." Charlie said, giving all of us a glance.
My brothers grumbled, but they respected Charlie's wishes the rest of the night. We played monopoly, where Anton won, because of course he did. I almost won but then he teamed up with Ty to take me down.
"That's not fair!" I exclaimed while Anton grinned victoriously.
"Oh but it is." Anton said as he began to clean up the mess we had made. Eventually everyone had dispersed to other rooms, leaving Mitchell and I in the family room alone. I leaned against his side while we both watched the television.
"I know you hate our jobs Cam," Mitchell said, and I groaned.
"I don't want to talk about it." I grumbled into the couch, earning a laugh.
"I know, I know Cameron." He said. "But I want to make sure that you know that we all love you endlessly. We are your brothers first, and we always will be."
"Mmm." I mumbled. "Then stop. Stop with the doctors and the dentists. All the tests and procedures, I don't want them."
"Cameron..." Mitchell sighed, pulling me into a seated position again.
"If it were up to me, I would. I would stop it all in a heartbeat, love." He said, kissing my forehead.
"Then stop it." I said, and Mitchell sighed again.
"I would if I could, Cam." Mitchell said. "But I can't. You know Charlie's in charge, and ultimately he just wants the absolute best for you."
I sighed, leaning into Mitchell once again and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"I love you Cameron, never forget that, yeah?" He said.
"Now, what's up in your world? I feel like we haven't talked in forever." Mitchell said, a grin appearing on his face.
"Nothing much." I said. "I can't do shit with my knee, I'm so bored."
"I know Cam, but you'll get back to normal in no time. Anything interesting going on at school?" He said.
"Not really, physics and chem are kicking my ass, my chem partner is the most annoying person in the world."
"Oh yeah?" He said. "Do I know this kid?"
"I don't know, probably not." I said.
"What's their name?" Mitchell asked. "I might know."
"Harry something." I replied. "He's so annoying, he's always trying to talk to me about random stuff. He almost messed up our lab the other day, he's such an idiot."
"Never heard of this kid." Mitchell chuckled. "He sounds fun."
I shook my head with a small smile on my face. "He's the worst."
"Who's the worst?" Someone asked from behind us. We turned seeing Gabe behind us, and he made his way over the the couch beside us, flopping down on it.
"My chem partner." I groaned. "He's such an idiot, and always trying to talk to me. He's always trying to help me too, but I don't need help."
"I believe you Cam." Gabe said with a smile. "What's this kid's name?"
"Harry something." I said again, switching positions on the couch again.
"Well let's forget about our friend Harold, shall we?" Gabe said. "Are there any boys at school you're interested in?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making me laugh.
"No! No way! They're all assholes." I said, with a slight blush. Gabe gasped.
"Cameron! Don't lie!" He said, making a dramatic gesture.
"It's no one." I said giggling at my brother's reaction.
"I don't think sooo..." Gabe said. "What's his name? How old is he? Where does he live? Is he attractive? Does he-"
"No, I'm not telling you!" I said, cutting him off. "You'll scare him off."
"Is he at least good looking?" Gabe said, smirking and I nodded, blushing.
"Cammy has a crush!" He sang, earning a glare from me.
"At least tell us his name Cam." Mitchell said, nudging me. I shook my head, while standing up.
"Nope, I've never even talked to him, he doesn't know I exist." I said, shuffling off the couch.
"Shoot your shot at least." Said Gabe. "At least he'll know you exist."
I shook my head, a small grin on my face.
"You guys don't need to know about my love life." I said as I left the room.
"Love you too, Cammy!" Gabe yelled as I walked away, making me laugh, he was always goofy.

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