Chapter 9

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Four days later, I was finally out of the hospital. I was happy to be home, the food was a lot better, and I could sleep in my own bed. I have to go back to the hospital next week, but the doctor said that Charlie and my brothers could keep and eye on me until then. I can't go down the stairs on my own, so one of my brothers has to carry me. I was on the couch, when Charlie sat down next to me. "Hey Cam, how are you doing?" He asked. I shrugged. I was bored of this question, that has been asked way too much in the past week. "Can I take a look Cam?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Please Cam? I just wanna make sure your incision isn't infected. You haven't taken the brace off at all." He begged. I shook my head, leaning away. Charlie sighed. "Cam I have to. This is one of the requirements that the doctor listed. He only let you go home this soon because me and Gabe are supposed to be taking care of you." Charlie said. He sat next to my leg, and handed me a pill. "What's this?" I asked, him weary of what he was trying to give me. "It's just pain killers, Cam. I'm gonna undo the brace now Cam." He said gently, and he undid the straps. He opened the brace, and took off the gauze covering the incision. He looked at my knee, before wiping off the pink stuff on my leg. He redid the brace, and I snuggled into him. "It looks good Cam. In a few more days, you might be able to start moving it a little." He said. I stayed on the couch the rest of the day, and my brothers continued to check on me. Then Finn came. He had a guilty look on his face, and I groaned. "I'm sorry Cam. I've let it go the past few days, but it has to be done. There's only a few more days." He said, sitting at the end of the couch and patting his lap. I didn't move, and Finn sighed. "Cam I don't want to force you. If you cooperate it'll be so much easier." He said. I groaned, and rotated my body to that my head was in Finn's lap. I opened my mouth, wanting it to be over. Finn looked around, before tightening it on the top and bottom. I whined, and Finn took his tool out of my mouth. "I'll probably put your braces on in the next few weeks Cam." He said, and I buried my head in his side. "I don't wanna." I said, muffled. "I know you don't Cam, but the sooner you get braces, the sooner you can get them off." He said. "Besides, I think you'll look cute in braces." He said with a smile. I frowned, and he chuckled. "I promise Cam. Even Ty looked pretty damn cute with braces on." He said, making me laugh. "I'm sure I can find a picture somewhere." He said, pulling out his phone. After a few minutes of searching, he laughed. He handed my his phone. There was a picture of Tyler from several years ago. He had braces, and was smiling at the camera, but it looked forced. "I made him smile for the picture." Finn explained. "He hated the way he looked, but I thought he looked cute." I grinned. Finn hugged me. "You'll be fine Cam. And at the end, you'll have a perfect smile." He said, showing me his perfectly straight teeth. He hugged me again, before getting up and leaving. A few minutes later, Gabe came over and sat down on the couch next to me. "Hey Cam." He said. "I know you're not feeling so great right now, but Charlie and I were thinking, once your knee is better, we could go on a family vacation." I grinned, and nodded. "Where would we go?" I asked him. "Somewhere not too far. We could drive up to the mountain and stay for a week, or we could go to the cabin." He said. "We should go skiing or something." I said, and Gabe nodded. "Yeah, we could go in a few months, once your knee is better." He said. I nodded. "Whatcha watching?" He asked me, motioning to the TV. I shrugged. "There's nothing good on." I said, and he laughed. "Did you forget about Netflix?" He said, chuckling. "Oh yeahh!" I said. "Did the hospital brainwash you or something Cam?" He asked me, and I laughed. "Nope." I said, and started scrolling through Netflix. I finally settled on The Office, and Gabe stayed with me. He stayed with me for about an hour, before his phone rang. He picked up and listen for a few minutes, before hanging up and standing up. "I'm sorry Cam, but I got called into work." He said apologetically. I sighed, and nodded. I stayed on the couch, and soon Charlie brought me food, and sat down next to me. I switched the show, and shuffled around on the couch. Then Charlie slumped over. "Charlie?" I said. He didn't move. "Charlie!?" I yelled. He was still. "Someone help! Charlie passed out!" I yelled, hoping one of my brothers could hear me. I heard someone rush into the room. It was Tyler, and when he saw Charlie, he swore, before he ran into the kitchen and grabbed his stethoscope. "Charlie can you hear me?" He said. No response. Then Kade and Mitch entered the room. "What's going on?" Kade asked, and Tyler didn't reply. Tyler rubbed his knuckles on Charlie's chest, and his eyes fluttered open, before closing again. "C'mon Charlie, stay with me." Tyler said. He put on his stethoscope, listening to Charlie's heart. "Shit!" He swore. "Mitch call an ambulance. Charlie's heart's acting up." Tyler said. Mitch pulled out his phone, and called 911. "What's happening?" I asked, scared. "I'll explain at the hospital Cam." Tyler said. He tried to get Charlie to wake up again, barely succeeding. Charlie's eyes were barely open, and you could tell he didn't know what was happening. The ambulance arrived, and Tyler was talking to the paramedic, explaining that he was an AEMT, and what happened to Charlie. Tyler went in the ambulance with Charlie, and Mitch drove me and Kade to the hospital. When we got there, we asked where Charlie was, but they didn't know. We sat there for an hour, before Tyler came to find us. "He's awake now. You guys can come see him." Tyler said. He stood up, and followed Tyler to Charlie. When I saw Charlie, it didn't look like him. He was pale, and was in a hospital bed with and IV in. Funny how that was me a few days ago. I crutched over to Charlie, and hugged him. He hugged me back, and I stepped back. "What happened Charlie?" I asked. Charlie looked tiredly over to Tyler, who start to talk. "Charlie had a heart condition called tachycardia. So does Mitch. Everyone has a higher chance to develop it in our family, just because of genetics." Tyler said. "What's tachycardia?" I asked Tyler. "It's a condition where the heart beats too fast, and in Charlie's case, it doesn't fill with blood before it pumps. He's on meds, but he didn't take them today." He said, looking at Charlie sternly. Charlie had a guilty smile on his face, and shrugged. "I'm sorry. I've just been stressed with Cam in the hospital and her knee, I completely forgot to take them." Charlie said. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Oh no, Cam it's not your fault. I'm an adult, I should be able to take care of myself." He said. I sighed, and nodded. He hugged me again, and smiled. "How long are you gonna be in here Charlie?" Mitch asked. Charlie shrugged. "A day or two? I'm fine. When I take my meds I'm fine. I just forgot." He said, and Tyler nodded. "You're probably going to be kept for observation for a day, just to make sure that your heart rate doesn't spike or anything like that." Tyler said, and Charlie nodded. We stayed for a while longer, before Charlie convinced us that he would be fine to stay the night alone. "I'll be fine you guys." He protested. "I work here. I know the doctors and staff. This is practically my second home." He argued, before we agreed to go back home. We got home, and I was exhausted. I took my pain medication, and Tyler carried me up the stairs to my room, and I fell asleep.

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