Chapter 23 - Dario

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"Oh, for heaven's sake, when will you wake up?" I heard an angelic voice say near my ear, and I slowly opened my eyes. For some odd reason, I felt like I had the best sleep in years and was utterly refreshed. I was ready to start my day and get to business when I felt a presence under me. "Finally! Dario fucking Romano, get the hell off me now!" I glanced at Jolene, who was glaring at me, and I tried to remember how I ended up on top of her. I slightly raised my body to ease the heavy weight off her, but I kind of liked our position.

Her brown hair was all over her face, so I removed it with a brush of my hand and stared at her. She was stunning, no denying there. Her soft pink lips and big Bambi eyes were so fucking alluring, and I wanted to do things to her so she could scream my name in ecstasy for hours.

Bambi annoys me sometimes, but I get extremely turned on whenever she argues with me. With her petite sexy figure ready to bounce on and kill me, her witty comebacks, and her angry expressions, I always get horny. Like now, her irritation turned my buddy on, and I bit my lip while shifting my hips.

Shit! That's dangerous.

I quickly snapped out of my trance, got off her, and sat while covering my lower region from her view. "Buongiorno, did you sleep well?" I asked to distract her from my predicament. I was a struggling mafia don because of this particular woman.

I was not too fond of her effects on me, yet I did not want them to stop. I was fucked up, and I fucking loved it.

You need fixing, man.

She scoffed as she removed the blanket from her body and sat on the chair near the mattress, clearly upset about something I did. I was an asshole even in my sleep. I was talented in the wrong fields in life. "I didn't sleep at all because you were breathing too loudly, and I could not go to my room since your massive body was crushing the living shit out of me. Thank you for that! I will be so grumpy and snappy today, just giving heads up." I suddenly felt terrible for her because I had forgotten about her misophonia, yet I did not regret the experience of having her under me.

She did things to me; I have never felt like this. I was so perplexed and flustered at my own feelings. I sighed, and she leaned on the chair and closed her eyes for a second.

I remembered that grandpa was still in my house, so I looked at the sofa and saw him staring at my hands resting on my pene. I coughed to grab his attention, and he smirked, knowing he had caught me in a discomfiting position.

"Buongiorno nonno, non osare commentare," I warned with pleading eyes, and he laughed. My Bambi looked at us with narrow eyes. She did not understand Italian but knew how to use a fucking translator.

"Let's go out and eat, and we can visit grandma's grave too, if you don't mind, Jolene." I wanted to call her Bambi, but grandpa was here, and I did not want to explain anything. I got up from the mattress I did not know existed until Bambi sat on it. I need to pay more attention.

She must not use her own money while she is in my care. I am a shitty host.

"I am going to take a quick shower. I will be ready in half an hour," Bambi said and walked to her room. I stared at her ass and felt hard once again.

Damn it!

"I think you need a cold shower, Dario," Grandpa whispered as he placed his arm around my shoulders and grinned.

"Fuck off," I snapped out of habit since I talked with my men like this all the time, and for a moment, I forgot what he was to me. "Mi dispiace, Nonno. I was out of line." I lowered my head, and he ruffled my hair.

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