Chapter 55

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I will post a chapter or two daily until this book is finished (7 chapters left). Pay attention to the order of chapters that you read. Sometimes it can get mixed up. Anyway, enjoy!


It was Thursday night, and Phoebe, Diana, and I sat in our living room, watching movies while the men finalized everything for tomorrow's Ball on the other side of the room. The Ball was an enormous arrangement so we bought suitable dresses for the occasion. I could not wait for Dario to see what I got.

"No fucking way!" Dario yelled as he slapped his hand on the table, catching our attention. Never a dull moment. "Giovanni, just shut the fuck up."

I looked at Giovanni to see his reaction, but he was calm and unphased by his Don's outburst. He had the skin of a crocodile. "Don, I respect you and owe you my life, but no, I will not shut up when it comes to Donna's safety." As he said that, Dario was about to launch at him, but Basilio held him in place.

Okay, it's time to intervene.

"Dario, if you don't calm down this instant, you won't get cuddles tonight!" I threatened as seriously as possible, and it seemed to work as he immediately sat down like a good boy. 

The scene was amusing, and I wanted to laugh but held it in, but Phoebe and Diana had other plans as they burst out laughing while filming the whole thing.

Good for blackmail.

"This is the feared Italian mafia don; give him a round of applause for his adorableness," Phoebe exclaimed as she turned off her phone and wiped her tears.

Dario glared at her as he walked toward us. "Phoebe, if you don't delete the video, I will-"

"You will what, Dario?" I stopped him midsentence as I crossed my arms with a challenging stare. He muttered a few curse words, sat on the couch, and placed me on his lap. He was a grump. "Why were you upset about what Giovanni said?" I asked as everyone calmed down.

Fabio sat next to Diana, and Abramo put his head on Phoebe's lap as she ran her hand through his hair. They were so cute.

Orlando remained silent as he watched the movie, and Lazlo cleared his throat when Dario refused to answer my question. "Giovanni suggested we let Atlas enter the building to kill him in front of his dad, the Brambilla Don."

I nodded as I weighed this option. Atlas did imply that he would strike tomorrow, but we did not know if he would appear or not. "That actually makes sense. Why are you against Giovanni's idea, Dario?"

His hands tightened around my waist and buried his face in my neck, refusing to speak.

"Il mio nipote sentimentale is afraid that you might have to go with him like last time..." Basilio answered as he drank his beer. I tensed. The last time that happened, Dario got shot, and I definitely did not want a repeat of that. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back.

He was vulnerable and did not care that his men could see him in that state. I looked at everyone, not knowing what to say.

Diana raised her hand, and I gazed at her. "Who is Atlas?" she asked, and I winced because she did not know about my loveable stalker yet. Diana would meet him tomorrow if he really sticks to his word. 

Since the Mafia Ball was arranged by the Romano Mafia this year, all our mafia men could bring a date with them, and she would be Fabio's date.

"He's a motherfucking murderer stalker who might appear in the Ball tomorrow, but I will not let that happen!" Dario finally spoke as he raised his head from my neck and held my hand. "Atlas Brambilla is our rival mafia don's son. Atlas and his fucking father killed my dad years ago, and the cherry on top is that Atlas happens to be Jolene's stalker. He stalked my Bambi for a while back in New York and intentionally hurt her to save her late, to appear as her hero, but once she realized what was happening, she came to Italy. He tried to kill us and kidnap her before, and I won't let that happen again."

I felt his rage rise as his veins started to show on his neck and arms. As hot as he looked, I needed to calm him down.

"Dario," I whispered near his ear, and he looked me in the eyes. "Calmati, baby. I am here. I won't go with him even if he comes tomorrow. Your family and everyone important to you will be at the Ball, so he can't take hostages. My dad is in New York, and I told him to stay with his veteran and police officer friends. They will protect him if anything happens. I took precautions, don't worry. If Atlas comes, I will kill him if you don't! His harassment ends tomorrow."

"What she said!" Mattia commented as he entered the living room with Enola and Andrea. They were having a family date and decided to join us now. I could not wait to have my own family. They looked genuinely happy and complete.

"Damn, that's a lot to process..." Diana commented, and we nodded in understanding.

"So, does that mean I get to carry a gun?" Phoebe asked.

"No." That was our unison reply.

Let's just say that the last time she held one, she almost shot Giovanni's balls off...


"Bambi," I heard Dario call, but I did not want to move or open my eyes. I was comfortable under the covers, yet he did not get the damn hint. "My beautiful Bambi, baby, it's time to get ready..."

Get ready? For what?

Since I did not attempt to move, he tickled my legs without warning, and I jolted from my bed, kicking his stomach by mistake. He groaned as he held his stomach, and I winced, finally awake.

"At least it's not lower," I said, trying to ease the situation.

"It would be your loss then..." he replied with a smirk, and I sighed at his fast recovery whenever there was a chance to throw a sexual remark.

I looked at the clock on the wall and whined. "Why did you wake me up? It's still six in the morning!"

He chuckled. "Amore, it's six in the evening. You slept through the whole day. You drank a bit too much last night. I had to carry you to bed when you passed out on the sink with the facet open on your head." I looked down at my outfit and saw I was wearing a different pajama. "And yes, I did change your clothes because they were wet. I loved the black lacey bra, by the way."

"Of course you did," I replied as the events from last night came rushing back. Orlando handed me a glass of Vodka after I had my share of red wine. Even though I hated it, I drank the Vodka and danced on the table with Andrea in my arms...

Are they that irresponsible to let me hold a baby while drunk? 

On the table?

"Why did you let me carry Andrea?" I would have yelled if it was not for the headache.

"Amore mio, Bambi, have you seen yourself drunk? You threatened to take off your clothes if you did not hold him, and of course, I would not let that happen. However, you were so careful with him even while drunk. It made me love you more, knowing that you would protect Andrea even when you are not in the right state of mind. Your maternal instincts are amazing." 

He kissed me softly but then grimaced and backed out. "Honey, I love you, but you need to brush your teeth and eat something before we go to the Ball. It starts at eight, but we must be there at seven-thirty."

I wanted to cry at his last comment because it was embarrassing, but I did not show it. "Okay, just help me up. My legs are weak." I sighed.

"I can make your legs weaker if you would like," he remarked with a grin, and I caught on to his horny thought. I slapped his head, walked to the bathroom, and locked it.

Is it wrong to love his sexual comments?



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