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*This is the chapter you have been waiting for. Although it's not entirely explicit, enjoy the deeds. I wrote "Mature Content Ahead" before the scene.* 

Ps. If you're family, please skip this chapter :)



"It's bad luck if you see your bride before the ceremony!" Jolene yelled and threw her shoe at me when I entered the room. I caught it and placed it on my heart as I smiled ever so brightly at the love of my life. Breathtaking.

"Sei la donna più bella che abbia mai visto e ho la fortuna di chiamarti mia." I did not know what else to say, and I knew she understood what I told her the moment her eyes sparkled with joy. She had been learning Italian for the past two years and was fluent in it by now.

[You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I am lucky to call you mine.]

"Thank you, Dario. Sei l'uomo più bello che abbia mai visto e sei fortunato che ti dica mio," she replied, and I laughed and cupped her cheeks gently, careful not to ruin her makeup.

[You are the most handsome man I've ever seen, and you are lucky I call you mine.]

"Can I kiss you?"

She nodded as she placed her palms on my chest. "Just don't go overboard. Phoebe and Diana worked hard on my makeup; they will kill you if it's smudged. And don't touch my hair, or Enola will slit your throat."

"Yeah, I don't want to anger my pregnant sister. She's a demon these days," I remarked with a shudder, and she grinned. I closed the distance between our faces and kissed her as gently as possible. "I can't wait to ruin you tonight."

Her cheeks turned red once she saw my face, and I was losing control, but I had to keep my friend at bay for now. I did not want my very curious nephew to ask unnecessary questions in front of our friends and family. 

I would not mind answering him if it was a regular day, but not today. It was our wedding day, and I needed it to be perfect. I wanted my Bambi to be the happiest person in the room.

"Dario! Get the fuck out before I get nonno!" Enola barged into the room like a maniac, grabbed me by the ear, and threw me out before I could comprehend what happened.

"I warned you," Lazlo commented as he saw me slouching.

"Stai zitto."

[Shut up.]


As we waited for my gorgeous bride to walk down the aisle with Dante, I scanned the room and saw everyone I cared about here. I even saw Alice, my mother, sitting at the far back.

I invited her to our wedding after the long overdue conversation we had a few months ago. I literally cried, Enola cried, and Grandpa cried. Emotions were everywhere as she explained what happened after she left us for Ottavio.

She was never truly happy as she still had feelings for my dad, and when Ottavio knew about her remaining love for her ex-husband, he ordered to kill him.

She tried multiple times to run away and return to us, but he threatened to kill us the same way he did to Dad. So, she held back for years with him for our safety. 

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