Chapter 59 - Dario

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Time stopped. My lungs collapsed. My legs gave up on me, and I fell to the floor beside a bloodied Alice.

What just happened?

"Alice!" Basilio called, kneeling beside Dario's mom and pressing on her shoulder. She fired her gun at Atlas right when he was about to shoot Dario, saving him. She took a bullet for her son, so why was I on the ground?

"Bambi... Baby, don't close your eyes!" Dario held my head in his hands and looked at my chest. His tears confused me as I did not know what was happening. Things felt different. Like I was on a cloud, trying to focus on the horizon.

"Why are you crying?" I asked as I weakly rubbed his cheek, wiping his few stray tears.

"Amore," he choked and kissed my forehead. "Atlas shot you, too. Just keep your eyes open for me, Bambi. Don't you dare close them!" As he said those words, everything turned dark.

How cliche can it get?



"Camila!" I yelled for Izan's sister at the top of my lungs, making everyone flinch. She was already one step ahead of me as she held a large bag and dropped to the floor next to my love. Blood was everywhere. I could not tame the raging fear in my heart.

I heard crying in the background, probably Phoebe and Diana, but I blocked them out. I only focused on my sleeping angel. She was bleeding way too much. "Camila, per favore. Save my Bambi. She's my world. She's my everything. I am begging you!" I pleaded with all my might to the heart surgeon, not caring for the whispers and looks. 

Camila nodded, looking as professional as ever. She took a quick glance at Alice and then put on the gloves. "Ma'am, your wound is shallow. Just keep pressure on it." I glanced at Alice but could not find the emotions to care for her. 

"Don't mind me, save her." Alice's tears were foreign to me, but she was not my focus. She could rot in hell for all I care. I wanted my girl to be alright. I was done with this fucked up world of mine.

Camila sterilized her tools and hands and pointed at her brother. "Izan, hand me the scissors," she instructed firmly and got to work. I saw as she cut my baby's dress, and the gunshot wound was clear as day. She did not deserve any of this. It was my fault. I was a fucked up mess and dragged her into my darkness.

I felt hands wrap around my shoulders. I weakly looked up and saw Enola crying. "It'll be alright, fratello. She will survive. She's a fighter. She's your Bambi. She's our Jolene."

"Did anyone call an ambulance?" Camila asked, catching our attention as she tried to locate the bullet. The sight was too gruesome for me to handle. I saw worse wounds than this, but when my Bambi was cut open like that...

She was too delicate for this.

She did not deserve any evil in her life.

I should have finished Atlas when I had the chance.

"They are on their way, and Dr. Snow is waiting at the hospital to assist you," Mattia explained as he held Andrea protectively, holding back his tears.

"It's my fault," I muttered weakly, but Enola did not hear me.

"What was that?"

"It's all my fault! I should have killed him. Why didn't I? I always make this mistake! I am a fucking faliure. I can't protect my girl, so why am I still breathing when she's not?"

"Dario! She's still breathing. She's alive. She will make it! Have faith, will you? Don't be a wuss and man up for a bit. You are the Don, for fuck's sake!" Lazlo yelled at me with teary eyes, and I was taken aback because it was the first time I saw Lazlo this angry at me. This expressive.

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