♡ 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺 • 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 ♡

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Littles: Jeongin
Caregiver: Chan, Seungmin

this one-shot will contain a few sensitive topics such as cancer, chemotherapy, hospitals, and needles.
if you wish to continue reading that is completely your choice but be warned that these topics above will be talked about and mentioned throughout this one-shot.
i do NOT take these topics lightly. i am educated on this type of cancer and it's not something i take lightly.

Intro: Jeongin was diagnosed with cancer and needs to go to chemotherapy and it's his first week of it but slips before Chan, Seungmin, and him leave the house and has to go through with it while little.

Members mentioned in this one-shot: Chan, Minho, Jeongin, Jisung, Seungmin

‼️ No one dies ‼️
I promise.

i spent so long on this because it somewhat emotionally drained me making this but i felt the urge to make it so it's done now
pls don't mention any spelling errors i can't make myself go back to read this long ass one-shot rn
i'll come back to edit one day


6:00 AM

It was somehow already 6 in the morning, on Tuesday, March 7th.

Alarm blaring, though not too loud having decency to not disturb their neighbors.

There wasn't any sun rays peeking through the blinds. No birds chirping or hustle and bustle heard on the streets. Somehow Chan knew this was going to represent their day. A torturous day to say the least. Today wasn't a long-waited day. There was nothing bright or thrilling about today.

Sighing, Chan looked to his bedside table to the calendar hanging just above it.

Jeongin's first day of chemotherapy.

There was no proper preparation for today, or the weeks, months, or possible years to come. No one and nothing can prepare you for the shock that ripples through family and friends as a diagnosis of cancer attacks. No one saw this coming.

Especially Jeongin.

He was healthy as far as he and his friends and family were concerned. Nothing too serious has ever shown on his health side of things. Though that quickly changed when there was a day Jeongin's friend, Jisung, pointed out how the younger's lymph nodes in his neck were basically protruding out of his neck. Pushing at the skin as if they didn't belong there.

That led to a simple doctor's visit, which led to a few extra scans just to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Within two months Jeongin was diagnosed with Stage 3 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. For it to be stage 3, there were highlights of his lymph nodes infected with the cancer above and below his sternum. Thankfully, there was no showing of the cancer in his bone-marrow of else it would be Stage 4 and a different story.

Chan rolled to his left side, trying to bury his poisonous thoughts about the day to come. He watched his boyfriend lay still beside him somehow laying completely on his back. The older boy could never understand the comfortability of that position. Chan was a lover of sleeping on his side.

A slight groan was heard as Seungmin slowly woke up, seeing two loving eyes staring back at him.

"Morning, Channie." The younger made his way into his boyfriend's arms, snuggling into his neck and letting out a sigh of contentment.

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