Into The Abyss

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M.Sea Monster x Reader

      The water was clear as they dove deeper, the sun above them partially lighting up the water. The cenote had an almost closed ceiling, only letting in so much light to the water down below.
   Her heart fluttered with excitement, this sinkhole being one of her more thrilling dives. Y/N had dived all over the world, had seen many different caves and waters, but never had she been the first to discover. It was a cave divers dream come true, to be the first to explore the unknown.

   On the way down, small openings lined the stone walls, probably leading to smaller tunnels that went to god knows where. Darkness also became more relevant, as the suns rays were not so clear, and the water was becoming dimmer and dimmer. Of course, every diver has their own flashlight, and it was no problem.
   The sinkhole was deep, and over the course of many hours and decompression stops, they were reaching 40 meters. The amount where the diving started to become very dangerous for any average skilled diver.

    Bubbles floated from her face as she watched her companions flashlight light stop, hitting a cloudy bottom. Only a few ten or so feet below them, was thick, gaseous water; the color a swampy green. The front diver looked back, before moving on, all seven of them knowing this would be where they stopped.
    The sulfide cloud was something they would be risking their lives to swim through and continue on, especially since they didn't know how deep it went. Inside the cloud would be no sense of direction, no up or down, the flashlight wouldn't be able to travel through it. Even if they did go underneath, the dive would then be truly pitch black.
    Though dangerous, the cloud was a wonder to look at and to go in and out was fun. Y/N had experienced this once before and was happy to experience it again, knowing this spot would become popular among skilled divers.
  The seven started to spread out slightly, using their flashlights to look around and take in the scenery.

    The young woman swam down, gently moving her hand through the cloud, glancing around. She was surprised she didn't see more dead plant life, as that decomposition is what made clouds like this. Y/N was thankful that the sulfur smell of rotten eggs wasn't potent either, that's a smell she never missed.
   The divers all enjoyed their time in the seemingly mystical cloud, wanting to relish the end of their dive before they started the very long ascension.
    She watched as two went in and out of the cloud briefly, neither going deep. One poked his head up, bubbles flowing from his mask as he shined his light around. He swam to go back down, before looking back and forth. His flashlight starting to flit around more frantically, catching the rest of the diver's attention. He looked like he was looking for something- and then it dawned on her.

   The other diver hadn't come up.

   Her eyes widened before starting to look into the cloud herself, the rest catching the message, everyone now knowing the problem.
   She forced her breathing to stay calm, but her heart pounded in her chest at the possibility that that diver could lose his life in here.
    She reached her hands down, briefly diving, waving them around to try and accidentally grab him. But she knew that if he didn't come up soon, they'd have no choice but to leave. It was a death wish to go down and try to find him. Good divers know not to go back.

Y/N came back up, not seeing any sign of the lost diver, the realization making her feel like she was going to sink like a rock right there. They had lost a diver.
Everyone seemed to slow their search, knowing it was now nothing more than a lost cause.
Her hand clutched her flashlight with white knuckles, forcing herself to stay calm, she had to stay calm, even if he was lost.

Her eyes trailed to the center of the cloud, where a red substance started to float upwards through the green smog. Her eyes slowly widened, realizing it was blood, more of it cascading up.
Across from Y/N was an underwater scream as she snapped her head to another female diver- her flashlight being left behind as something yanked her down into the smog.

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