Hack N' Slash

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M.Yandere x Reader

The dirt road caused the car to bounce up and down, the hot sun casting cool shadows through the trees.
Her arm lazily hung out the window as she enjoyed the hot Texas air. Most would complain about the heat, but to her, it felt like home.
She had grown up in this old town, leaving when she was only thirteen to live in the city- her mother took her there after the divorce. She hated it. Now a grown woman, she had come right back after her grandfather died and wrote the old farm house in the will, giving it all to her.

The h/c turned the music up, humming the tune, before pulling into a long driveway, the dirt bumpier from the lack of use.
She had moved in a few days ago and had been unpacking, so she decided to take a break and greet her neighbors, even though most wouldn't consider them neighbors from how far from her house they lived.
She had driven to the neighbors on her right, an old couple that she had known when younger, but this one? Well, she didn't even know he was there until the grocer in town told her. Apparently he's a pretty odd guy, keeps to himself on his property, only comes to town to sell pork; essentially a stay-at-home butcher.

Either way, she wanted to say hi.

The road became much denser in foliage and trees. No wonder she didn't know he was here, she still couldn't see this guys house and she was in his driveway.
Even though the day was bright as could be, the thick leaves and curled branches made it entirely shadowed. It had to be super creepy here at night.
Finally, the young woman pulled up to a busted old cottage, in desperate need of paint and all of the renovations looking like poorly done diy.

She parked in front, the driveway just being a flat patch of dirt with an old pickup truck parked to the side. A good sign that he's home.
Y/N parked the car, taking the key out of the ignition, getting out. She walked to the passenger side while straightening her cap, pulling her braid off her shoulder before taking the small, saran wrapped plate of white and chocolate chip cookies out of the seat, locking the car behind her.

     She looked around, seeing different pieces of wood structures rotting in the tall grass around the property. Old wheelbarrows, barrels, tools. This place looked old, must've been in the family for generations; though, she didn't remember this place or people from her childhood here.

   The front steps creaked as she walked up them before knocking on the chipped, green door.
   No answer.
   Y/N knocked a second time, louder, being met with no response again. She sighed, I guess no one's home-

   "Ohmygod!-" She gasped, jumping back, smacking her back into the door.
    A man the size of a mountain loomed over her, unkempt brown hair tumbling over his shoulders, strands falling over his face. His brown eyes narrowed down at her, his jaw strong with a stubble, his lips pressed into a thin frown.
   A bloodied white apron laid over his broad, strong chest, his hands covered in the same blood.

    She swallowed harshly, having to crane her neck to look him in the eyes- this man had to be almost seven feet tall.
   "Uhm- I-" Y/N cleared her throat, standing straight. "I just moved in, down the street, and I wanted to say hello." She smiled awkwardly, her heart still pounding from the scare- and he was still staring at her silently. "I also made you these-" She held up the cookie plate slowly.
   His cold eyes slowly softened a little, glancing from her face to the cookie plate. The man's stare landed back on her face with an uncanny amount of focus.
    Silence fell.

    "I'm Y/N." She introduced herself, wanting to break the weird quiet, praying he would talk and stop looking at her weird.

    After another few minutes of silence, his hands (that were probably the size of her head) wrapped around the plate, pulling it towards his chest.
   "John." He replied, his voice deep and raspy as if he hadn't spoke in years. Maybe he hadn't.
   Suddenly he reached his hand out right beside her -making her nervous- before realizing he was reaching for the door handle.
   "Oh-" She moved out of the way, John moving past her and opening the door, walking inside.

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