Into the Water

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{Siren x Reader}
{Manipulation, Abuse}

The waves rocked the small fishing boat back and forth, the moon and lamp light casting an eerie glow across the deck. Nets were cast into the water, the small crew trying to make their weeks wage with the fish that they sought to catch.
"Lads!- I've got something big!" One big burly man yelled to the other three men, his boots pressed hard into the side of the ship as he struggled to pull the net up on his own despite his size.
Two other members of the crew ran over, grabbing onto the netting and pulling as hard as they could.

Peaking around the mast of the ship was a little boy, no older than eight, staring at the commotion with two big e/c eyes. The small lad gasped as the men heaved the biggest fish he had ever seen onto the deck, his little face contorting into shock when he realized it was no fish at all.

A long tail of shimmering blue scales, paired with the top of a girl. Her hair was long and white, her eyes a pale blue with slitted pupils. She hissed like a feral animal, baring her sharp teeth, her claws ripping at the net she had been caught in. But with all her ferociousness, the mermaid was small and looked similar to a human child.
"I'll be damned..." One of the men breathed, staring at the creature thought to be nothing more than tall tale. He scratched his black beard, before looking back to the child that watched from behind the mast. "Come- come little lad. Take a look." He gestured the small child over, and the little boy complied, going to the man's side. The big man got down on one knee, wrapping his arm around the child while staring at the mermaid. "Look, my boy, that is a mermaid... terrifyin' creatures of the sea... she'll eatcha whole if yer' not careful." He explained, the little boy staring at the mermaid.
The white haired mermaid continued to snarl and thrash in her netting, only getting herself more tangled.
The little boy frowned. She looked scared.

"How much will real mermaid scales go for!? I mean- we'll be rich!" One of the other crew members laughed.
The man beside the little boy scoffed and shook his head, standing up. "We have to show her off whole- then we'll chop 'er up. No one will believe us otherwise." He said gruffly, before walking over to the sails. "Lads! Pull the nets and anchor! We need to get back to the docks as soon as possible!" He yelled, the other three getting to work quickly.

The mermaid looked around wide eyed, breathing heavily, the gills on her neck flaring- exhausted from the struggle.
The little boy looked around at the busied crew with wide eyes, before creeping closer to the mermaid with a determined look. He slowly pulled a pocket knife out, the name 'Y/N' carved onto the handle of it. He got on his knees beside the mermaid, and she hissed, swiping at the boy- obviously scared and defensive.

"No- let me help you." The small boy said in a quiet, high pitched, feminine voice. It was there that the mermaid realized it was no little boy at all... but a little girl with h/c hair cut short and dressed in a boy attire. The young mermaid had never seen a female before... it was always men on the ships and docks.... No wonder she had smelled different than the men...
The small child took her knife and glanced around wearily, cutting at the netting quickly, the mermaid complying, staying still for the small girl. She cut away at the net quickly, freeing the mermaid's arms... for a second, she was afraid the creature would attack... but the white haired girl did no such thing, just began to help cut her tail lose.
The little human girl unraveled the rest of the netting, pulling it away. Silently, she pulled the mermaid with all her strength back to the side of the ship.

The mermaid stared at the small girl, dumbfounded by her kindness, kindness that she had never received from neither human nor mermaid. Her fair skinned hand gently went to the little child's face, about to touch it before a yell was heard.
"Y/N!" The burly man with a black beard yelled, causing the mermaid to flinch away. She looked to the large man that was now storming towards them and heaved herself over the railing, into the black ocean.

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