The Arena P2

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      Her thumbs pushed into the eyes of her opponent as he screamed, blood starting to pool around her fingers before she was roughly jerked back, an arm around her neck pulling her away.
    Today she had been put in a two against one fight due to all her winning.
    Leasing a battle cry, Y/N sunk her teeth into the other man's arm- causing him to yell and pull his arm away, letting her lose from his grip as blood now trickled from the bite mark.

    She bared her teeth, now coated in red, putting her fists up. Ever since that last interaction with Hathaway, she fought harder than she ever thought she could. These battles were becoming more like human against wolf, every single fight more brutal than the last. There was no honor in Y/N's fighting, but with an arena that held no rules, there didn't need to be.

    The two circled each other, her opponent waiting for her to make a move. She enjoyed the challenge of striking first, and charged straight at him, full body tackling the man who was much smaller than his now blind partner.
   Her fist collided with his face as she straddled him, blood sputtering from his lips.
   Punch after punch, she didn't stop, her mind reeling on what could happen to her sister, on what would happen to her sister if she failed. They had to fear her, needed to fear her.

    A choked noise came from the female warrior when a stabbing pain was felt in her side. She paused and looked down to see a knife lodged just above her hip.
    The man below her was black and blue, covered in blood, but still managed to smirk as he turned the knife inside her, causing Y/N to yelp in pain.

    She lied, there was one rule in the arena. No weapons.

    He ripped the dagger from her, sliding it back into his sleeve, taking her moment of weakness as an opportunity. The man's fist smacked into her nose, making her head turn.
    The dog fight began, the two ripping and punching at each other, rolling across the floor, Y/N losing her advantage above him, each punch weaker than the last as blood flowed like a river from the stab wound.
   She continued to try and get back on top of him, but in minutes he had her pinned, her side starting to feel like it was burning.
    Y/N rose her hands to fight him off, but he smacked them away, the blood loss now making her dizzy.


    Knuckles jutted into her mouth as she was punched in the face again... and again... and again...
    Her vision blurred in and out as she was beaten continuously, every attempt to free herself futile.
     The pain began to numb as her mind started to slip away, the sinking feeling of death creeping in. The feeling of regret, of failure. She knew Hathaway was right, she knew she'd lose someday. But today? And because of a cheap move like sneaking in a dagger?

    Her mind barely registered the man being dragged off her, every blink being longer than the last as dark spots clouded her vision.
    She felt like she had fuzz in her ears as her eyes dumbly looked around.
    Another man stood over her now, one she recognized.
    "Eryx..." Y/N mumbled almost silently, calling out to the golden haired man who fell to her side, his figure blurring into nothingness as her eyes closed to darkness.

    Warm... she felt... warm...
    Her eyes opened slowly, immediately having to squint as the sun hit them.
    "Mmph..." She grunted, stirring in the plush blankets that surrounded her.

    "Y/N?" A female voice that rang like a bell sounded, bringing Y/N out of sleep quicker.
    "Rosa?" She whispered, trying to force her eyes open as gentle hands rested on her shoulder.
     Y/N pried her eyelids open, and they landed on the blurry picture of her sister, her eyes trying to focus. "Rosa?" She asked again, but this time with more urgency, realizing it truly was her little sister who stood there. The girls striking blue eyes lit up upon seeing her sister awaken, her auburn hair shining in the sun.
    "It's me! It's me, Y/N!" She chirped, and Y/N smiled softly, before starting to sit up.
    A pain in her side flew through her like an arrow, and with a hiss of pain, she was laying back down on the bed.

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