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Carter's POV

When Carter woke up, she felt at ease to feel Eli's warmth right next to her.

She glanced up to find him awake, his arm wrapped around her as he scrolled through his phone.

"Hi," she said softly.

His eyes snapped to her, lighting up as he put down his phone and snuggled closer to her, hugging her into him and nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Hi," he whispered.

She giggled, not used to his physical affection. He had been so gentle and soft with her for the past few hours, something she did not think he even noticed.

Carter was familiar with Eli always keeping everyone at a distance; physically and emotionally.

Feeling him touch her so freely and comfortably made her feel warm inside, and she was lightheaded at his arms and scent enveloping her in his bed.

She moved away from Eli slightly so she could check the time, noticing the way he didn't let her get too far from him.

She grabbed her phone from the desk beside her and saw a text message from an unknown number from an hour ago.

It read: "Hi It's ryder, Im sorry for the way I harrassed you please forgive me i will never come near you again and I'm also a piece of shit"

Carter's eyebrows scrunched down in surprise. What the hell? She had blocked him off of everything. Why was he texting her this random apology?

She turned back towards Eli, analyzing the way he was looking at his nails with great interest nonchalantly.

Her eyes trailed down to his hand and she gasped.

"You didn't," she said.

He looked up sharply, noticing her train of vision and he swore, shoving his hand under the covers with his other hand.

"Didn't what?" He said, looking at her innocently through his eyelashes.

She pushed the covers off, reaching for his hands.

"Please tell me you didn't," she said.

"I didn't," he replied immediately.

She tried to pull his arms out, but he was stronger, taking her arms instead and keeping them pinned underneath the blankets at her wrists.

She thrashed around with him, trying to win him over; but it ended with him on his knees over her, with her arms pinned to her sides by his hands.

Carter tried not to notice how fucking hot that position was, focusing back on the matter at hand.

She stared up at him.


"Carter. Trust me. Just leave it," he stressed.

She frowned at him, biting down on her lip with frustration as he held eye contact with her.

She shook her head, turning her head away from him as he kept her held down.

If she couldn't beat him through strength, she had to distract him somehow.

Carter looked back at him, seeing how close his face was to hers, and leaned up to peck him on the mouth in the most nonchalant and natural way.

His hands loosened as his eyes widened in surprise, and she took the opportunity to pull his hands out and take a look at what caught her attention in the first place.

His knuckles.

Bruised and cut.

As if he had just punched something. Or someone.

"You did," she said with a sad tone.

"I did," he confessed.

She said nothing, holding his hand in hers and running her fingers gently on his injured knuckles as she kept her eyes on them.

He winced. "Are you mad at me?"

The sound of him in pain hurt her. He moved back next to her and she came closer to him.

Carter brought his knuckles up to her face, pressing her lips against them gently, kissing his knuckles, one by one.

"Just a little bit," she said into his knuckles.

She noticed that he was looking at her with a sparkle of adoration in his light coloured eyes as she kissed every inch of his bruised knuckles with compassion.

"Don't hurt yourself for me again," she mumbled.

When she was done, she sat up, stretching her arms to get up and leave.

She wasn't actually mad at him. In fact, she felt mushy inside that he would do this for her.

"Did you hurt him bad?" She said, not looking at him.

"Just enough."

"Will you get in trouble?"


"Okay," She said.

Carter moved to get out of the bed, but Eli's hand wrapping around her arm stopped her. She turned back around to face him.

He was pouting with his other bruised fist (the one she hadn't kissed) up in front of him, showing it to her.

"You missed this one," he mumbled.

a/n hope you enjoyed!

check out "honey" on my profile!

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