Chapter 15

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Alan finished breakfast and went into the office next door

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Alan finished breakfast and went into the office next door. When he looked over the desk, it was immediately apparent that no one was taking care of the postal service anymore. Open and closed envelopes were scattered wildly around. He would rather do something to tidy things up. How he should handle his letters in the future was not yet quite clear to him; perhaps he would have to take over this task himself in the future.

The actor found it strange that some letters and bills had been torn open. On closer inspection, however, they were only documents addressed to him personally. They could not have been opened by Rosalyn, after all, she had not been here to handle the letters. Alan paid no further attention to this aspect, and began to sort through the documents. As he completed his assistant's tasks, he pondered over the current circumstances. The conversation with his wife was still in his stomach, would she really book a trip with his credit card? He would trust her to do that without a second thought. He didn't want to think about Mary anymore and whether she would take the money out of his pocket again.

He preferred to think of Rosalyn's apartment, there he had felt like in times past. Like in his old apartment, where he had once lived a long time ago, even before he had become famous. That had been the real reason he hadn't wanted to leave there yesterday, hadn't it? He would have preferred to go back to his assistant later in the day, but that would be going too far. He could just show up at her place with a stack of mail, that would be a perfect excuse. But since she was on vacation, he thought his idea was outrageous, he would not bother her with work today. Thus, he immediately dropped the thought and continued to do the job he had started.

In the meantime hours had passed and Alan had done everything possible, the office looked tidy again. Now he decided to go through his e-mails to finish today's tasks.

Immediately, he noticed the booking confirmation for a short trip to Paris, which was in his name. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. In the meantime, he had already read through the content five times, but it just didn't make any sense to him. Why had Mary scheduled this trip on such short notice? Had she not taken into account his already well-filled agenda? All sorts of questions were buzzing around in his head and he felt it necessary to call his wife immediately. She had been out for hours anyway, probably stuck in one of the boutiques, having a glass or two of champagne. He immediately remembered the tasting of the exquisite bottles that Mary had booked in Paris. He immediately picked up his phone and tried to reach his wife.


Mary was sitting in a quiet corner of a classy café that she visited regularly and leaned further forward so that she wouldn't have to speak too loudly. Fortunately, there weren't as many guests as usual today, so she didn't have to be quite so careful to get rid of her pent-up frustration. Sitting across from her was her longtime friend, who always had an open ear for gossip. "Imagine, Alan's annoying assistant ruined an expensive designer mug of mine. I said to her that she had to pay for the damage. She was snippy with me after I demanded it, too, that sassy woman. I don't like her sneaking around in our private spaces. Fortunately, I haven't seen her again these days. I do hope that Alan has finally replaced her, after all there was another woman here in the meantime. But I think my hope is in vain." Mary leaned back with a meaningful look and sipped her champagne glass. Waiting, she looked at her friend, whose answer was not long in coming.

"How can you stand the situation at home? I really feel sorry for you, I likewise think that this woman has absolutely no right to be in your villa. Can't the current arrangement be changed, does this person absolutely have to come in and out of your home? See if you can get rid of her, maybe you can find a replacement for her. Perhaps an attractive young man?" the older, well-styled woman suggested, grinning mischievously at Mary.

"A handsome young man? No, really not! I've had enough of menfolk, I'd rather stay alone and enjoy life to the fullest." She stared for a brief moment at the glass table on which stood the ice bucket with the already empty champagne bottle. She had completely lost her younger years, thanks to Alan. No one could give her back this lifetime, not even the millions in her bank account could compensate for it. Although she was surrounded by luxury, in her opinion, the disadvantages outweighed the advantages. She would rather change the subject now, as she did not want to talk about it further. "The weird thing is that there were already new cups in the kitchen and if I'm honest, I don't think Rosalyn bought them. But it's too early to go through the credit card statement, I don't want to call there about that either. This morning Alan was acting kind of strange, he really wanted to talk to me about our current relationship problems, but I was able to successfully brush him off. Finally, I was able to convince my husband to take a short trip. I think we will go to Paris. Maybe you would like to help me pick out a nice hotel, I already have a certain one in mind. Of course, he should have to dig really deep into his pockets, it should hurt him a little to have to spend that much money," Mary grinned conspiratorially at her friend and poured them both a refill from the newly brought champagne bottle. "Oh yes, before I forget, of course I'm trying to get rid of his assistant!" Laughing, the two women clinked their glasses and cheerfully toasted each other. After discussing a few more details, they began planning the trip to Paris.

By now it had become afternoon. Mary was still sitting in the café, and by now was a little drunk, when the phone in her Chanel handbag began to ring. "It's Alan," she complained annoyed to her friend, "what does he want again? He's probably already seen the hotel booking and now he's going to want to confront me." She would have preferred not to pick up at all, but in the end she wanted to keep her husband happy, after all he would have to pay for the whole luxury trip.

" She would have preferred not to pick up at all, but in the end she wanted to keep her husband happy, after all he would have to pay for the whole luxury trip

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now