💚Kiyoka, Teruya, Haru, Satsuki, Rei, Utsuro, and SDRA2 Yuki x S/o like Bruno

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Ask: Your Favorite DRA and SDRA2 characters being with a S/O who the ultimate Seer who suffers slander and false rumors being seen as bad luck due to there future predictions which are often bad then good but can't controls it resulting in a bad reputation and even a song about them call "We Don't Talk S/O" yes it based on Encanto Character Bruno

Kiyoka Maki: 

She'll throw hands with anyone who talks bad about you because of your talent

Screw them, you're talent is amazing!

Even if you tell her of something bad happening to her, she'll still compliment her on your accuracy

As much as she hates the slander against you, the song is actually a bop-

Kiyoka is a great singer and wants to learn guitar, so one day she hopes to make a parody of the song where she'll talk about how much she loves you instead!

You're shy personality makes you adorable in her eyes and she'll literally do anything to protect you

Your alter egos like Jorge make her laugh every single time

Teruya Otori (Either one, I love them both)

"Whaaa!? You can tell da fut're!?"

He can't really believe it at first

It sounds like such a cool ability! How can people not like you for that?

He's a merchant, so he's probably dealt with customers hating his products over factors he can't control, so he completely understands how you feel

If you tell him that something bad is going to happen to him, he'll be jumpy and paranoid, but he'll never blame you for it

He also kinda likes the song- why is it so catchy??

He completely disagrees with the lyrics and won't hesitate to tell you that

"You're so much better than they say S/o!"

Haruhiko Kobashikawa:

He was kinda scared of you at first

He thinks the song is cool but stops listening to it when he realizes how false it is 

You were so nice! You didn't deserve any of this!

Like Teruya, if you told him you saw something, he'll be scared and paranoid, but he'll never blame you for it

Haruhiko is an extrovert so your personalities kinda clash, but he tries to get you out of your shell

He thinks your other personas are adorable

Satsuki Iranami: 

She thinks your ability is so freaking cool

She'll be amazed anytime you do it, even if the vision i doesn't show something good

She'll be annoyed anytime she hears someone talking bad about you

"Hey! It's not like S/o can control what they see!"

She feels kinda bad for how much she likes the song

She'll come up with a dance and a nicer parody for it

She also teases you for your shy nature and tries to replicate your other personas

Rei Mekaru:

Didn't believe in your ability at all

For a while, she thinks your "visions" are mere coincidence, or have some kind of logical explanation 

She rolls her eyes at the song and tells off anyone who says anything bad about you 

When she comes around to believing your ability, she'll tell you not to listen to what other people say to you 

"They are mere incompetents who never learned not to blame the messenger." 


He's kinda impressed with your ability, but doesn't really care

His life is boring with getting everything he wants, the future is literally the only thing he has going for him

If you tell him something bad to going to happen to him, he won't mind, knowing his luck will probably do something about it

The both of you are pretty quiet, but you try to make conversation with him

He doesn't really listen to the song since he doesn't really care much for music and is annoyed about how inaccurate it is

Your other personas like Jorge are the closest thing you'll ever get to making him laugh

Sdra2 Yuki Maeda:

Your ability scared him, but he felt bad because of all the bad things people were saying about you

He introduced himself and was surprised about how shy you were, and got to know you better

He feels bad about liking the song because of how mean it is to you

The both of you are shy and adorable

He'll chuckle at your other personas whenever you do them

Dra and Sdra2 x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat