💚Rei,Yuri,Shinji,Kanade, and Hibiki x S/o like Carrie

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Ask: Oh my the Carrie White S/O or Y/N post poor reader how about one for Rei,Yuri,Shinji,Kanade,Hibiki but them witnessing the Blood Bucket scene

Rei Mekaru:

Rei was suspicious from the start, the way everyone seemed to be treating you decently despite what you told her

However, this was the happiest she's ever seen you, and she didn't expect your smile to be so...heartwarming to her

Even if she hated these kinds of dances, she found herself smiling too 

Was she... proud of you?

It was a new feeling, but she'd be lying if she said that it was unpleasant

When the bucket of blood fell on you, she could barely contain her rage

She clenched her teeth and tried to comfort you, not really caring about the blood getting on her dress (it was red anyway so-)

Rei is a professional college teacher, so she'll launch a formal complaint to the school and get those bullies expelled once and for all

That doesn't mean she won't tell them off herself

After grabbing napkins and paper towels and taking you away, she won't hesitate to flame the bullies harder than a chef on Hell's Kitchen 

At least one of those assholes is getting slapped

Truthfully, Rei knows how you feel, she experienced bullying after being held back in first grade

She promises herself to never let you feel like she did, never again

"Y/n, those Incompetents are fools. As my S/o, you are much smarter, stronger, and braver than any of them. Don't let them make you feel like this. Don't be scared to stand up for yourself, to them and your mother."

Yuri Kagarin:

Yuri got you the best and most expensive dress you could ever want, so you winning the title as queen probably would have happened whether there was a prank or not

Still, he was so proud of you, and the sight of your smiling face lit up his whole world. 

When the bucket of blood falls on you, he's enraged

"Вы, сукины, собираетесь гореть в самых темных глубинах ада!"

He's still yelling in Russian by the time you've cleaned yourself up 

If any of the bullies are female, he would still scold them for doing this to you

If any of the bullies are male, he won't hesitate to throw punches (for such a small guy, he is kinda strong-)

Depending on how many of your bullies are male, he might be leaving with more blood on him than you

Either way, he'll bring you back to his mansion, begging you to stay with him knowing what your mother is like

He'll also get you a new and better dress, and throw his own luxurious party just for you with his female classmates (he'll even invite the males if you ask him to)

"Y/n, Моя дорогая. I'm sorry that this night didn't go the way we planned, but even with the blood on your dress, you were still the prettiest girl at that dance." 

Shinji Kasai:

He was beet red the whole dance, but happy to be with you

He couldn't describe how proud he was when you were crowned queen

And how angry he was when you were soaked with blood

He'd immediately comfort you, and grab napkins to dry off the blood

If the bullies were girls, he would stop stuttering and scold them, telling them how cruel they were

If the bullies were guys, he would raise his voice much more, but he isn't one to get violent 

It wasn't until someone joked that he'd have to use the fire hose to hose you down when he punched the bastard

(You later found out that the kid had to go to the hospital, but what Shinji didn't know wouldn't hurt him-)

The two of you left the dance, Shinji holding you the entire time

When you got in his car with him, he didn't know what to do

He was awkward when it came to dates, he didn't want the night to end like this, and he sure as hell didn't want to drop you back off to your mother

He found himself pulling over, turning up the music, and stepping out of the car and urging you to do the same.

"Shinji..? What are you doing?"

You walked over to him, the night was silent except the music blaring from the car.

His face went red again, and even with the blood on you, he found himself falling for you.

"I...I don't want the night to end like this... so even if it's not the same as being at the dance..."

He held out his hands.

"Will you...dance with me?"

Kanade Otonokoji:

Someone's going to die tonight

Kanade is clever so she probably could have figured it out and stopped the whole prank in advance

However, your dress, her hatred of your mother, and your adorable excitement for the dance completely threw her off 

When it happens, it takes everything for her to hold her sweet girl act

She bursts into fake tears and tries to pull you away, and if one of the bullies say something, she'll make that face and scream at them

She won't hesitate to comfort you, bringing you to her own house and the two of you enjoy a night to yourselves

"Y-You didn't deserve that, Y/n! You deserve the world, a-and I don't want you to feel this way ever again! I think you should stay with me and Hibiki for a while...but I've got an...errand to run real quick. You can start the movie without me." 

Even if the night didn't go as planned, you were happy to watch a movie and cuddle with your girlfriend

The next day you learn that the punch bowl was poisoned, and over half the school was in the hospital

Maybe it was good luck that you weren't at that dance after all

Hibiki Otonokoji:

She would never admit how cute she thought you looked in your dress or how proud she was of you when you were crowned queen.

"Duh! It's my S/o! Of course they're the-"

When the blood falls onto you, she briefly feels heartbroken for you, before being consumed by rage

She will go right up to the leader of the bullies and smack the hell out of them (but is not prepared for retaliation in the slightest)

Her voice is dry from yelling at so many people by the time you leave, which is impressive considering how she's a vocalist and has been known to sing for hours on end

She is still angry after leaving, but she tries to comfort you, even if she's not great at it

"They're jerks! All of them! We don't need people like them! The dance was stupid anyway!"

She offers for the two of you to get ice cream and watch a movie at her house 

Even if the night didn't turn out how you planned, you still fell asleep in your girlfriends arms, the movie playing in the background overshadowed by your girlfriend's sweet voice as she sang you a lullaby.

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