💙S/o who has cruel stepmother

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Ask: S/O taking there SDRA2 Boyfriends into meeting there Step Mother who the S/O to impress and earn her love but The Step Mother Personality is similar to the Step Mother Tremaine in Cinderella and disapprove of S/O relationship to spite them

Teruya Otori:

Teruya was pretty excited to meet your stepmother! He made himself a brand new outfit for the occasion!

You just chuckled at how adorable he was. 

Teruya introduced himself and treated your stepmother warmly, in his eyes, this woman was no different from being your actual mother. With family being so important to him, he couldn't imagine her being any less kind than you are!

Of course, then he started noticing the eye rolling and the scoffs. The way she would look at his outfit and roll her eyes or let out a snide remark after anything he said. 

(Joke was on her, he's experienced that treatment for years with Tsurugi and Rei) 

He would blush after you kept telling her how amazing he was, but she always seemed to ignore you. He didn't want to get angry at your stepmother, but the way she treated you like a pest just bothered him. 

He decided that she crossed the line when she said how useless you were for dating someone like him. He didn't hesitate pulling you away from her. 

"Y/n isn't useless! She's a much bettah person tha' you! That's fo' sure!" He exclaimed, his accent beginning to leak. 

He made sure that the two of you left early, and as embarrassed as he was for his accent leaking out at the worst possible time, you told him how brave he was for standing up to her. 

Syobai Hashimoto:

He didn't really have high hopes of your stepmother liking him

He wasn't exactly the dream guy for your child

However, he wasn't expecting for your stepmother to be so cruel to you

He noticed real quick that you were talking about what a great guy he was, and you weren't just trying to get her to approve of him

He frowns, realizing that you just wanted her to be proud of you 

When your stepmother stuck up her nose and declared that she didn't approve of you both, which Syobai was easily able to tell was just to spite you, he told her to fuck off

The look on her face made him smile

He didn't hesitate in getting you away from that house 

"...Fuck her, Y/n. She's just a miserable bitch, there's no pleasing her."

He tells you to just cut off contact with her, that even someone like him is a better person to have in your life

Mikado Sannoji:

He was fairly excited to meet your stepmother

He cleaned his mask, ironed his cape, and practiced introducing himself

When the time came, he wasn't expecting your stepmother to be so... unpleasant

The way she looked at him in disgust at the way his mask moved while his face didn't, the way she silently judged his clothing and seemed disturbed by any magic trick he showed her

He could live with your stepmother hating him, it wouldn't be a first, but he couldn't stand the way she treated you

She scolded you over the smallest things and no matter what you did, she'd say you were useless

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