Chapter 1

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When Wei Ying was young Jiang Fengmian found him. As Jiang Fengmian carried Wei Ying in his arm, Wei Ying begin to see a flash image in front of him. At that time Wei Ying is too young to understand why he was seeing thing but now that he is older he want to know if it will happen again or not.

Wei Ying decide to poke his finger at Jiang Cheng. That is when Wei Ying see thing, the thing is Wei Ying is looking through Jiang Cheng eye. Wei Ying see himself talking to the gate keeper of the Lan clan.

"Young man, we have told you many times. We lost our invitation. Beside, can't you see that we are standing here. How could we be fake?"

'Lost our invitation? How could we lost it?' "I think I should keep that invitation close to me. More like I should tell Jiang Cheng to give it to me to keep. Knowing him, he will loose it."

"I'm sorry gongzi without your invitation, we can't identify which clan you come from."

"Look, here! The sun is about to set. Your just going to let us sleep outside in the cold? Then how about this? Can you please go tell your sect leader to come out here to talk to our Shijie. He will know that we are telling the truth."

"Then please wait here until the next shift. Someone else will help you."

"Hey Wei Wuxian!" When Jiang Cheng voice call out to him, Wei Ying snap out from what he just saw. "Are you alright? I been calling you for a very long time now."

'So, I wasn't seeing thing. I wasn't dreaming either,' "yeah, I'm fine. Oh that's right, Jiang Cheng give me the invitation," Wei Ying said this while holding out his hand. "Why?" Jiang Cheng asked Wei Ying.

"Just give it here. Also, we should head up to cloud Recesse," Wei Ying said this as Jiang Cheng handed over the invitation to Wei Ying.

"That is a good idea, A-Xian. Let's get going," they all boarded the boat as the boat take them to Gusu.  While riding in the boat Wei Ying decide to sit a little bit far away from the Jiang clan since he doesn't want to see anything else.

'I don't think anyone can see something like this. I wonder, if I see what their faith is like. Will I be able to prevent it?' Wei Ying thought to himself as he wonder what will happen next or who faith will he see next.

When they arrive at Caiyi town, the Jiang clan decide it is best to head up to Cloud Recesse instead of staying in the inn.

As the Jiang clan finally settle down in their own dorm, Wei Ying decide to just stay in his room since he feel very confuse and lot of questions, questions he doesn't understand. 'Well no one can answer them anyway.'

On the second day of guest lecture, everyone in the room expect Wei Ying to do something since he is known for mischievous and he doesn't follow the rule. To their surprise he was quiet, eye on his desk, he not doing anything mischievous.

Wei Ying doesn't know it but class already ended for the day, everyone already gone beside Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Lan Xichen who saw this while walking to his destination, Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan.

When Lan Xichen put his hand on Wei Ying shoulder, Wei Ying begin to see thing. Wei Ying is seeing what Lan Xichen is seeing.

They are on a boat heading out into the middle of the lake, one of the Lan disciple come up to Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan to tell them that the town people is being under attack by some sort of water ghoul.

"Everyone be careful, we are near there hunting ground." Lan Xichen and everyone else see the dense fog is rolling in all around them. "Zewu Jun, these water ghoul are very tricky. What happen if they try to hide under our boat? What if we can't find them?" Wei Ying asked Lan Xichen.

"It is our duty. We will keep searching until we find them," Lan Zhan said this without looking at Wei Ying. When Wei Ying is about to say something he look down at Lan Zhan boat.

He see how low Lan Zhan boat is, he can only do one thing, "Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! Look at me!"

Wei Ying take the paddle in his hand, he splashed water at Lan Zhan who jump from his boat to his brother boat. Wei Ying then flipped the boat over, there they all see water ghoul on the bottom of Lan Zhan boat.

"Hey Wei Wuxian! Snap out of it!" Wei Ying move away from everyone else, "Wei gongzi are you alright?" Lan Xichen asked.

"I...I...Caiyi town is in danger."

"In danger? What do you mean?" Lan Qiren asked Wei Ying. "Water ghoul. Water ghoul is attacking the people in Caiyi town."

Everyone in the room looked at each other then back to Wei Ying, "Wei gongzi, how do you know?" Lan Xichen asked Wei Ying. Wei Ying hesitated, 'even if I tell them, I don't think they will believe me.' "Just find a way to stop the water ghoul from attacking the people."

After saying that Wei Ying got up and left from there, leaving the other in question. "Jiang gongzi, you know anything different about Wei Wuxian?" Lan Qiren asked as they all watch Wei Ying walking away from there.

"No,not really....oh wait, he has been spacing out a lot. Like before we left Yunmeng town, he was spacing out. Now,he is doing the same."

"Xiong zhang, Wei Wuxian did said that Caiyi town is in danger right?" They all nodded their head. "We should head straight down to the lake, Wangji," Lan Wangji nodded his head.

Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan decide to head down to Caiyi town. "Even though it is quiet, we should head to the lake to seal up the path way. The water ghoul must have come down from the Wen clan."

"The Wen clan?" Lan Xichen asked.

"That is where the water ghoul dwell. Let's head out," the three got on their sword as they head out toward the direction where the water ghoul will come down to Caiyi town.

Once they have arrive, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen sealed the opening, they only let people and boat through. "I hope that Wei Wuxian will tell us why he know about it." Both Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji nodded their head.

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