Chapter 2

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On the next day Wei Ying didn't come to class he end up walking around Cloud Recesse. 'How am I suppose to deal with this new power or whatever it is? How bad will it get if I see other people Fate before they happen?'

As Wei Ying walk around Cloud Recesse he doesn't know that he end up in a place where the former sect leader is in seclusion. "Whose there?" Wei Ying stop at the building.

He turn around to look at the house, "is someone in there?" The door open up, 'Whoa, is he the sect leader of the Lan Clan.' "I'm sorry for disturbing you sir," Wei Ying gave a bow to that person.

"That's alright, why don't you come in?" Wei Ying walk into the house, "my name is Lan Mingxuan. Sect leader of the Lan clan. May I ask what is your name?"

Wei Ying gave a bow, "My name is Wei Ying courtesy Wuxian, it is nice to meet you sect leader Lan."

"Same here Wei gongzi. May I ask you why are you here?" Lan Mingxuan pour tea into the cup in front of Wei Ying. "Today is the start of Cloud Recesse guest lecture, I don't feel like going since I have a lot of thing on my mind."

"Is that time of year already? Have you met my two son?" Lan Mingxuan asked.

"I only know Lan Xichen, I haven't met your other son yet."

"Oh, then how about tell me what is on your mind?"

Wei Ying look outside, 'this place is peaceful,' "I have this strange power, power to see other people fate or see something before it happen. I don't know how to deal with it. I don't know what to do if I see something that happen to the Jiang clan."

"I see. Like almost you see into the future. How does it work?"

"Well, either I touch other people or other people touch me, I will see what happen. Then again I rather not want to see them or I will distance myself from them."

Lan Mingxuan can see how sad Wei Ying is, "if you have this power, you can change their fate and save their clan from destruction. How about you try to see what will happen to me?"

"What try it on you?!" This shock Wei Ying very much. Lan Mingxuan nodded his head. "Sect leader Lan, I rather not. I don't want to go through what other people went through. When I do see it....I am seeing through that person pov."

"Is alright, if you see what is happening to Cloud Recesse, this way I can come out from my seclusion to protect my clan."

"Okay," Lan Mingxuan put his hand out on the table, Wei Ying hesitated at first then he put his hand on Lan Mingxuan hand.

While in seclusion Lan Mingxuan heard loud voice coming from Cloud Recesse, "Burn Down Cloud Recess!"

"Burn Down Cloud Recesse!" 

Lan Mingxuan went to grabbed his sword, and he then left his seclusion home. As he went into Cloud Recesse, he begin to fight the Wen clan disciple.

"Whose dare attack my clan?!" Lan Mingxuan asked while fighting the Wen disciple. "I have order from Xiandu. Take down all of the sect before they fight against his clan."

"I won't let that happen!" Lan Mingxuan fight with that person head on. He is fighting by himself while fighting the Wen disciple as well.

Soon the Wen clan left leaving Cloud Recesse with fire burning all around them. Lan Mingxuan dragged himself through Cloud Recess to find his two son. When Lan Mingxuan couldn't find his son he collapsed to the ground and that is when the other Lan found him.

The next day Lan Mingxuan pass away due to his injury. Both Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji is devastated that their father have pass away.

Wei Ying pull his hand away, Lan Mingxuan can see how white Wei Ying face is. "Wei gongzi? Wei gongzi, what did you see?" Lan Mingxuan asked.

"Cloud Recesse is under attack by the Wen clan. Cloud Recesse got burn down by the Wen clan." Wei Ying looked at Lan Mingxuan, "Sect leader Lan died from your injury."

"I died?" Wei Ying nodded his head. "It look like I need to enhance the clan protection shield. If what you said is true, then the Wen clan is on the move."

'If I see what happen to the Lan clan then will this be the same for the Jiang clan? Do I even want to know or see what happen to the Jiang clan? What should I do?' While in his own thought he didn't heard Lan Mingxuan calling his name.

"Wei gongzi, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Why don't I take you back to your clan?" Wei Ying nodded his head. When the two enter back into Cloud Recesse Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan and Lan Qiren is surprise to see Lan Mingxuan out of seclusion.

"Xiong Zhang!"


Lan Xichen look from his father to Wei Ying, then back to his father, "Fuqin, why is Wei gongzi with you?" He asked. Wei Ying gave a bow and then he left from there. "A-Huan, A-Zhan, A-Ren, we need to talk."

All three looked each other then back to Lan Mingxuan, "Fuqin?"

"Come inside," they all walk into Lan Qiren room, since it is the closes one to them. Once they are inside Lan Xichen ask, "what is it that you want to talk to us about, Fuqin?"

"There is a reason why I am out from my seclusion. Wei gongzi saw what happen to our clan." The three looked at each other then back to Mingxuan, "Xiong Zhang, what do you mean?" Lan Qiren asked his older brother.

"Wei gongzi have this ability, when he touch someone or someone touch him, he is able to see what happen to that person. I asked Wei gongzi to touch my hand, I want to see what he see."

"What did he see, Fuqin?" Asked Lan Zhan.

"Our clan destruction."

Is not wangxian yet. They haven't talk to one another or got to know one another. They will start out as friend first then they will become closer as the story goes on.

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