Chapter 35

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After a minute or so later Qingheng Jun have finished with the letter, "here A-Zhan, let the sect leader read it." Qingheng Jun handed the letter to Lan Zhan. "A-Xian, if Madam Yu give you trouble, then just let Wangji do the talking okay?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

"You two should head straight to the minor clan first. I am sure that Jin Guangshan will targeted the minor clan first before the major clan."

"Then we will go now," Lan Zhan and Wei Ying stand up, gave a bow and then left from there.

"A-Huan, tell our disciple to stand guard inside of the protective shield. I am getting the feeling that Jin Guangshan will send his man to attack all of the clan at once."

"I'm on it Fuqin!" Lan Xichen dash out of his father room to go talk to all of the Lan disciple.

"Go gather everyone! I need to speak to them immediately!"

"Yes Zewu Jun!" That Lan disciple went to tell his fellow disciple and that disciple went to tell his other fellow disciple and so on.

They all assembled in front of the Orchid room, "Listen, Jin Guangshan will attack our clan. I don't know when or what time he will attack us. I want every single one of you to be on guard when that happen. Those whose are guarding the gate, stay inside of the protective shield. Make sure you send up a flare if someone is attacking our shields. My father and I will also know as well. Spread out, take turn and be on guard, understood?"

"Yes Zewu Jun!" With that the Lan disciple spread out to go do their thing.

"I never been to the Yao clan before, no wonder they get attack easily. Their clan isn't that big like the Lan, Jiang, Nie and Jin clan."

"I been here a few time with Xiong Zhang, he said that I should learn from these kind of sect meeting since I will be the next sect leader after him."

"Do you want too?" 'I hope you won't accept the request.'

"No, too much work, too much sect meeting and too much conference. Were here." Wei Ying look at his surrounding, "wow, very quiet indeed." Wei Ying went to stand on the other side of Lan Zhan, "Wei Ying?"

"We are been look at," Lan Zhan look at everyone around them. "Let's head inside," Wei Ying nodded his head.

"Lan er gongzi, what bring you here?" One of the Yao clan disciple asked Lan Zhan. "I'm here to see sect leader Yao. Tell him is very important that I need to speak with him immediately."

"Please wait here while I got tell our sect leader," with that the disciple went to go tell Sect leader Yao what Lan Zhan just told him.

"Do you believe that we will have another war, Lan Zhan?" Walked Wei Ying.

"If we stop Jin Guangshan in time then we won't have a war to fight. I just hope all sect leader will let you put a shield around their home, this way they won't get attack by Jin Guangshan and the other two."


A minute later the same disciple came out, "sect leader Yao said that you can come in."

"Let's go in Wei Ying."


They are now sitting with Sect leader Yao in his main room, "to make thing short Sect leader Yao, my father want me to give you this," Lan Zhan handed the scroll for Sect leader Yao to read.

"Will this protect my home while I am away?" Sect leader asked as he hand back the scroll to Lan Zhan.

"Yes it will sect leader Yao. Wei Ying is good with talisman, his shield is very strong. Wei Ying," Wei Ying went to give Sect leader Yao a talisman, "keep this with you, if the talisman burst into flame that mean your clan is under attack or they are attacking the shield."

"I will stay here while Wei Ying put a shield around your clan but...can you tell us where is your most protective place?"

"My clan more protective place?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"Most clan will say their ancestors hall. That is where my shield is at as well."

"Okay, I will head to where your anc-wait can your disciple take me there?" Sect leader Yao nodded his head. He tell his disciple to take Wei Ying to there clan ancestors hall.

"How long do you think it will take Lan er gongzi?" Asked Sect leader Yao.

"Wei Ying is a fast shield worker. Don't worry."

"Is he really going to attack us all?" Sect leader Yao asked Lan Zhan. "He will. Right now, we need to protect our home and our sect first." 'I will also protect Wei Ying with my life.'

About a minute later Wei Ying came back, "Sect leader Yao, your clan is safe now. As long as you keep that talisman is with you, then you will know when Jin Guangshan is attacking you."

"Thank you."

Lan Zhan and Wei Yang nodded their head, "Ouyang?"


"I think Sect leader Ouyang has a child."

"A child?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. "Then his clan should be protected. A child shouldn't see..." Lan Zhan stop walking, he turn around to look at Wei Ying, "Are you thinking about your own parents?" Wei Ying can only nodded his head.

"I didn't get to see them one last time before they pass away. I don't even know where they died or where their body is at."

"Come, when all of this is over; I will help you to look for your parents soul." The two got out their sword, they let it float beneath them and then they step on it. Their sword take them up into the sky.

"Lan Zhan, how will you look for their soul?"

"The Lan clan have a way of finding someone soul. If we have something of that person then we can use it."

Wei Ying look at the red ribbon that is flying behind him, "my mother red ribbon? This all she left behind for me."

"Since is your mother, then I can help you to contract her. Do you have anything that belong to your father?"

"No. But do you think my father will appear with my mother?"

"Let me ask my father."

"Okay." 'I hope that I can see my parents again. I want to let them know that I am doing okay. I also want to introduce them to Lan soulmate.'

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