Chapter 19

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"I will recite it! I will recite it!" Everyone turn their attentions to Wei Ying, "A-Xian," Wei Ying gave Lan Xichen a wink letting him know that everything will be alright. He walk out in front of everyone, he begin to stretch himself to annoy Wen Chao.

"Wei Wuxian! Are you going to recite or not!" Come a very annoying Wen Chao.

"I will! I will! Why are you in such a hurry, I'll recite it now. Listen carefully." Wei Ying begin to clear his throat, he then begin to recite, "Firstly, one must not kill. Secondly, one must not fight without permission. Third, one must not commit acts of promiscuity."

Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan, Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan is holding back their chuckle, 'A-Xian, you got the gut to recite the Lan clan rule instead of the Wen clan rule.'

"Do not make noise. Do not go out at night. Donor walk too fast. Do not Buckley the weak, make fun of others. Do not disregard laws and rules. Do not disrespect the elders. Do not skip class. Do not leave class early. Do not laugh without reason. Do not sit with a disgraceful pose." (Sorry everyone I just got to put this in here. I laugh every single time I watch this part)

Wen Chao is angry now that Wei Ying is reciting the Lan clan rule in his own clan. Wen Chao tell his man to take everyone to go out to work in the field until it is time for dinner.

"Ah," Wei Ying turn around to look at Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen, "Lan Zhan." They are now in the garden working or more like Wen Chao is punishing them. "Sorry Lan Zhan, Xichen ge," Lan Xichen let out a small laugh, "that was funny A-Xian. No one would dare to do that to Wen Chao."

"Xichen ge! Xichen ge!" Come a very worry Nie Huaisang. Lan Xichen look around the place, he doesn't want any Wen disciple to come over to them, "Huaisang, what's wrong?"

"I heard.....I heard....I heard one of the Wen disciple saying that...." This got Lan Xichen, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to wonder what is it that Nie Huaisang just heard. "One of the Wen disciple said that Wen Xu just attack the Lan clan and now they are attacking my clan. I'm worry about Da ge."

"Calm down Huaisang, Da ge will be fine. You know how strong he is, he will protect everyone in your clan. For now, we should all worry about our self. We don't even know what Wen Chao will do next."

"They attack the Lan clan? I hope Qingheng Jun and Master Lan is alright."

"I hope so too."

The next day, they are all back at the same place. They are reading through the scroll again. As they are reading, one of the Wen disciple went up to Wen Chao. He is whispering something into Wen Chao ear.

"Change of plan, we are going on a night hunt."

"Xichen ge, where do you think they are taken us?" Nie Huaisang asked. "Not sure. He say that we are going on a night hunt. He is making us looking for something."

They all walk for a while until they reach a river where some of the disciple decide to take a break. They were all tired from their walking from the Wen clan place to the river side.

"A-Xian, Wangji, do you two see anything around here?" The two look around the place, "nothing seem out of the ordinary."

"Wei xiong, how about over there?" Nie Huaisang pointed at the very top mountain where the fog is at. Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji and Wei Ying follow Nie Huaisang finger, "A-Xian, can you check it out?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

Jiang Cheng walk over to the group, "what are you guys doing?" Nie Huaisang pointed to the top of the mountain for Jiang Cheng to see. "Some thing there?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head.

Wei Ying throw a talisman toward the fogged mountain top, and then with a snap of his finger the talisman move back and forth, the fog begin to disappear. "A cave?" All five of them looked at one another.

"Xiong zhang, I don't like this feeling at all."

"You and me both didi. You and me both."

As they walk into the cave it was wet, dark and a lot of bat flying around above them. "How in the world do we get down there? It is very dark too." They all look down at the darkness below them.

Before Wei Ying can said anything else Wen Chao pushed him from behind, "A-Xian!"

"Wei Ying!" The two lans brother turn to glared at Wen Chao. They all climb down the rope that they have tied to the wood that is there for them. The first two that got down to where Wei Ying is at is Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen.

"A-Xian, are you alright?" Wei Ying nodded his head. Lan a Xichen and Lan Zhan try to help Wei Ying up but they are afraid that Wei Ying will start to see thing again, "is alright, I already seen your future. I don't think I will see it again if we touch."

The two decide to see if this is true or not so, they help Wei Ying up. The two see that there is nothing wrong and they don't see Wei Ying spacing out. Soon the other is coming down as well.

"Let's go kill whatever it is that Wen Chao is looking for. And then let's get out of here," they all walk toward the middle of the cave, the only thing they see is a big rock in the middle of the water.

They soon all hear Wen Chao voice coming from behind them. When Wen Chao went to the front the women next to him say that this is a dead end. Wei Ying look at the guy standing next to Wen Chao, he suddenly see this person in Jiang Cheng memories.

Wei Ying take Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan sleeves, he pull the two of them to the very back, "A-Xian?"

He whispered so only the two Lan brothers can hear him, "that guy...that guy standing next to Wen Chao. He is the one I saw in Jiang Cheng memories, he is the one that melted Jiang Cheng core."

"Then we must be careful of him. This mean he will attack the Jiang clan?" Asked Lan Xichen. Wei Ying can only nodded his head.

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