Chapter 25

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In this chapter Wei Ying got throw into the burial mound BUT he still have his golden core. With the resentment energy and his golden core merge together, this will make Wei Ying more powerful then anyone.
"Xiong Zhang, why didn't you let me go after them? I want to save Wei Ying." Lan Xichen sigh, "Wangji! I know that you care and love A-Xian, if you go after them they will melt A-Xian core, do you want that to happen?"

Lan Zhan know that his brother is right, "We are at war with the Wen clan right now, we don't even have our sword with us. The first thing we need to do is go get our sword back. They must kept it somewhere at the lecture hall."

"Then you and everyone must go get it. Attack their lecture hall is the first place we need to take down." Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen turn to look at the door way, "Fuqin, Shifu?"

Lan Mingxuan and Lan Qiren went to seat down on each side of the table, "you all need your sword for this war. While helping the other sect to get their home back, you can also find out where they have taken Wei Wuxian."

Lan Mingxuan looked Lan Zhan, "A-Zhan, you mustn't rush into thing, we will find Wuxian. You need to help the other clan first."

"I understand Fuqin," 'please be safe Wei Ying. We will come find you soon.'

The next day the Jiang clan come to Gusu, "Huaisang, you stay here, I am sure we will find your brother."


"Xiong Zhang, the Jiang clan is here," the two Lan brothers walk toward the front entrance of the Lan clan.

"Zewu Jun, Lan er gongzi, I want to go with you two to search for Wei Wuxian and also help with taken back the other sect leader their home."

"A-Huan, A-Zhan, let's Jiang gongzi to go with you two," Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen nodded their head, "then let's head out." All three gave a bow, then they left from there.

Once the three got to the lecture hall, Lan Xichen look at his didi and Jiang Cheng, "Jiang gongzi, you and your disciple attack from the back while we attack from the front. This way we can take down all of the Wen disciple all at once."

"Okay," Jiang Cheng turn to look at his disciple, "let's go!" They all nodded their head, the Jiang clan left from there.

"Let's go, Wangji," Lan Zhan nodded his head, the two brothers and their disciple walk up the step, one step at a time, 'wait for me Wei Ying.' When the two got to the top, Lan Xichen tell his disciple to attack the Wen disciple.

Jiang Cheng and his disciple come from behind, "surround them!" The Jiang disciple did just that.

Lan Zhan put his sword near the Wen disciple throat, "tell me where is Wei Ying? Where is he?"

"If none of you won't tell us, then we will kill all of you. Now tell us where did Wen Chao take Wei Wuxian?!" Lan Xichen is angry now, angry that Wen Chao is holding Wei Ying somewhere, somewhere that they haven't search yet.

"We will tell you."

"Said it!" Lan Zhan push his sword closer into the Wen disciple skin. "Wen gongzi throw Wei Wuxian into the burial mound. He probably dead by now." Lan Zhan stumble backward, "No. No. No. Your lying!"

"Take them all to the dungeon!" Shouted a very angry Lan Xichen. "Zewu Jun, we got everyone sword back."

"Wangji," Lan Zhan turn to look at the sword in one of his disciple hand, "is Wei gongzi sword."

He take Wei Ying sword into his hand, 'Wei Ying, wherever you are I will find you. I know that your not die. I know your still alive.'

"Wangji, don't give up. We will find A-Xian."


Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng arrive at the Nie clan, "A-Huan, A-Zhan, Wuxian?" The two shake their head from side to side. "Did you ask them?" The two nodded their head.


"The burial mound."

"What?! They took him there!" The two Lan brothers nodded their head. "Fuqin, I want to continue to search for Wei Ying. I won't give up until I find him."

"Let's your brother go with you. Wen Chao and his follower is still out there," Lan Zhan nodded his head.

The next days, Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng found a place where Wen Chao is hiding. When the three got there they see a mist of dark energy around the area, "We should be careful."

Lan Xichen take out his sword, with one slash the two wooden door come fallen into many piece. When the door is gone, Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng see all of the dead Wen disciple.

"What happen here?" The first thing Lan Zhan did is he rush into the building to see if Wei Ying is there or not. 'He not here, I don't believe they throw you into the burial mound, Wei Ying.'

"Wangji, A-Xian?" Lan Zhan shake his head from side to side. "Don't give up, Wangji, we will find A-Xian."

"Mn. What happen outside?" The two walk out from the building, they see Jiang Cheng and his disciple is still looking at the died body of the Wen clan.

"Jiang gongzi, find anything?" Lan Xichen asked. "It look like they all either been prison, drown and choke themselves to death. On that's right one of my disciple said that they found the women who was with Wen Chao, she hang herself in one of the room. I think something cause her to do it."

Lan Zhan look around, he eye spotted the yellow talisman, "I think the talisman caused this."

"Talisman? Why do you said that?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Look," Lan Zhan take out the talisman, "this is a reverse talisman. It also have human blood on it. Usually, talisman suppose cast away evil spirit but this one, is calling for evil spirit."

"Do you think is?" 'If this is A-Xian doing? Then where is he.'

"We should continue looking for Wen Chao." On their way to find Wen Chao, they see other died Wen on the side of the road.

"Gongzi! Gongzi!" Jiang Cheng, Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen look up ahead to see one of the Jiang disciples rushing toward them. "Wen Chao is staying at one of the tea house here in Yunmeng."

"Let head there," they walk to where Wen Chao is at. Once they got there, they see Wen Zhuliu walking into the tea house, "We should wait until night fall. This way we can attack them." With that they wait until night fall to attack Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu.

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