Chapter Fourteen

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[A/N] Sorry this is late my darlings. This is a bit of a transitionary chapter... but we've gotta have them... sets us up for some fun... (˶≖ ᵕ ≖ ˵ )

Do you ever feel it at night? Like your head is heating up, and a terrible migraine strikes all at once, a ringing, a sharp pain, the low drum like a pulsing a headache marching closer. Black as anything, but suspended.

It's not like I'm dreaming. There's nothing there. There's nothing happening.

But I don't feel like I'm in my bed anymore.

I wade there in a world so dark I wonder if I'm dreaming that I've gone blind. It's peaceful. If not for the splitting migraine, and the strange prickling in my chest, it would be nice.

Sometimes I think I should open my eyes and look to see where I am, but when I eventually manage, I'm just in my bed.

I'm usually in my bed.

This time when I finally unglued my eyes I was still in that darkness, and then that darkness shifted as I moved and turned to look down at me. 

Bright yellow eyes seemed to question me for getting up.

I blinked at the cat, before remembering where it came from, and slowly relaxing back against my pillow, breathing out softly. I felt well rested. The headache forgotten.

"Good morning." I told the cat.

It didn't seem to have been asleep. It meowed lightly.

It was laying on top of me, initially with one paw over one side of my neck and the other over my head, its upper body over my face.

"Are you hungry?" I asked it, my voice rumbling, low from sleep.

She ignored me. It was a she, I noticed, as it stretched its ass in my direction, tail curling and flipping up, and then jumped off of my bed.

"Aren't you weirdly relaxed being around me?" I asked the cat.

In typical cat fashion it didn't answer.

Instead it dug around with something under my bed and came back out with a sock of mine, jumped back on the bed  and started slapping it around, making an odd little growling noise.

I frowned at it. "Don't put holes in that. Those are my school socks. I only have two pairs."

I left to go to the bathroom and clean up and dressed for school. It was still dark outside but getting brighter, six thirty wasn't the time I usually got up but it was fine because I wanted to walk.

Then put out some food for the cat.

"I'll get you something nicer on my way back." I told her, sitting on the dog bed near her, leaning against the wall. "You can do a taste test. Is this all you ate at home?"

The cat sat quietly and ate with dedicated concentration.

That guy... with the sharp eyes and menacing gait, slightly dark skin and cold eyes... he'd be searching for him now.

My hand tingled, I clenched it lightly.

The cat ate so elegantly, not like Milk, Milk needed a tray under his bowl because he enjoyed spreading his food out and sticking his muzzle as far into the bowl as possible and then licking up the rest.

"Done cat?" I asked when she was finished. She looked at me, licked her paws, licked her legs, licked her paws and wiped her face, and then stepped up to me, slowly, almost as though she was trying not to scare me off, and curled up in my lap.

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