Chapter Twenty

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[A/N] This book is meant to be updated every week on Friday, I'm just terrible at keeping schedules, and these past two weeks have been so full of tiring activities.... Alright... Next chapter !  \( ˶‾0 ‾˶)/♡

I skipped the next class. I wasn't sure why, perhaps it was cold feet, the unsteady feeling of being possibly faced with watching Arran step directly into my world, something that shouldn't have been possible, that hadn't seemed possible even when he came directly to the school before. Perhaps it was also the fact that I'd just skipped out on meeting with the Headmaster and a part of me was concerned the teacher would have been informed about that and would be gearing up to send me right back.

Ultimately I spent the next period in the locker room, sitting crouching on the floor playing games on my phone. In the past I played these games every chance I got, I sank the rest of my tired brain into these thoughtless activities begging them for the brief respite they gave me from having to raise the tired emotional limb in my brain that felt so tired of life.

But I didn't find much of anything in the games now, instead I got slowly more and more bored of them, sat there and tried to remember why I found them fun and tried to clamber for any free moment to stick my head an inch from the thing and forget where I was.

Eventually I got out my textbook instead and read thoughtlessly until the lights automatically went off from lack of motion inside the room, and then for the rest of the period sat there, quiet and still, and closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

When I heard footsteps coming down the hall in the distance I got up and took the second of two doors out of the locker room out and headed back down the hallway.

I walked through the hallways for about ten minutes before finally being welcomed early into my next class.

It took everyone else a moment longer to fill the room and slip into their seats one by one. History wasn't my favourite class not least because the teacher, Mr Dorset, once read my half hearted essay on medicine throughout the ages out loud to the class because he was so incensed with my lack of effort. So there were a few longer glances at me for being there so early.

At this point the man really didn't like me for coming late all the time but I didn't remember why I came late anymore.

Pierson glared darkly at me as he passed me to get to his seat right at the back and in the corner.

"They let the bitch back stay in school huh? Nice. Wait till I tell my parents..."

I nodded slowly. "Tell mommy Pierson, don't forget to cry and tell her about your booboo."

The kid next to me looked startled for a moment and grabbed my sleeve briefly, as if telling me to call the nuclear bomb off. But they'd pressed the button weeks ago, and no I was hurtling toward the sky ready to fall down to the earth again and destroy everything.

He stood over me for a moment, his expression turning darker and darker without actually moving a muscle on his face. "Oh I will." He replied eventually. "You think this is a joke bitch. You're gonna be in a world of hurt. Unless you make it up to me."

I hummed and slowly looked up at him.

I considered several possible replies, taking my time as he hunched over me, looking more and more ready to punch me even though he was in the middle of a class full of people. Ironically it was the only thing these bullies wouldn't do, not since Clyde had technically fallen to that.

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