Chapter 14: Jealousy

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"There are too many ghosts walking this earth.  They weigh heavy on the living"

Anita had a boyfriend.

Charlie asked her at the end of the movie and of course being a young girl head over heels for the first time, she said yes.

And it made her happy.

They had been dating for a little over a month and spent majority of time together. Simon of course would third wheel once and awhile.

If Anita wasn't with Charlie she was by herself, but surprisingly she was hanging out with Isaac more. The two enjoyed each other's company.

"Three more months left". Isaac spoke happily as they made their way to the loft where Derek moved too recently. Isaac, of course moved in with him as he had no where else to go.

"I'm ready for summer break". Anita admitted.

"You were barley even here for the whole year". Isaac made his way up the stairs, Anita following after him as her hand slid on the banister as she walked.

"Still ready". Anita breathed out as she stood behind Isaac as he unlocked the door, letting her in first. Anita took a few steps in and stopped, waiting for Isaac to give her further directions.

"What are you going to do after you graduate?" Isaac asked as he locked and closed the door, gesturing for her to follow.

"Don't know". Anita answered bluntly, following him. It was silent for a bit, Anita looking at the back of Isaacs head as she followed him.

"You know I can introduce you to Charlie". Anita offered.

"Mmmm. No thanks". Isaac declined quickly.

"Whose Charlie?" Derek's voice got both of their attention.

He was standing in the main room, his arms crossed over his chest as he had his usual look on his face.

"Anita's boyfriend". Isaac pointed to her, going over to get something to drink.

Derek looked to her with a surprise look. "You have a boyfriend?"

"Hello Derek. How are you Derek? Love the new place". Anita smiled widely as she made her way over to where he stood, taking a seat on the couch.

Derek only let a small grin pass his lips as he said; "Hi Anita"

And then he was back to his usual look.

"And yes, I do".  Anita leaned forward in her spot as she looked at Derek and then leaned back once she said her comment.

Derek was about to say something when Isaac came over holding a muffin with a smile.  "You want a cinnamon muffin?"  Isaac asked, holding it out to her. 

Derek walked over quickly, grabbing the muffin from Isaacs hand.

"Hey!"  Isaac looked to Derek while Derek gave Isaac a look before looking to Anita.

"She's allergic to cinnamon". Derek told him as if he should have known.

"I-wh-sorry". Isaac's head kept going back and forth between the two.

"It's ok. You didn't know". Anita reassured him.

"Is there anything else I should know so I don't kill you?"  Isaac asked slowly, his scared look still evident on his face.

"You wouldn't have killed me".  Anita shook her head as she spoke.

"You could've killed her".  Derek nodded his head right after her comment.

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