Chapter 30: Your Fault

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"They say it's not your fault but they make sure you feel like it is."




"Derek come on!"

Stiles went to punch him again but Derek caught his fist.  Derek looked to the side seeing Anita sitting against the wall of the elevator, her hand on her bandage.  He looked around some more then to Stiles.

"Where is she?"  He asked.

"Jennifer?  Gone.  With Scott's mom".  Stiles informed him.

"She took her?" Derek asked from the ground.

"Yeah and that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion. Okay? So, we gotta get you two out of here". Stiles looked from Derek to Anita.

"The police are coming right now. And we gotta get you the hell out of here". Stiles helped pull Derek up.

"Whoa". Derek said from the sudden change.

Anita yanked herself up, knowing she was feeling much better than Derek.

"What about Cora?" Derek asked Stiles.


Anita rubbed her neck as Derek drove.

"Are you sure you're okay?"  Derek asked her.

"I will be once this whole thing is over".  She answered softly and saw Isaac with the Argents in the distance.

Derek pulled up, immediately getting out along with Anita.  Derek walked towards Isaac's car where he had it open to get his sister.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?"  Allison asked.

"Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold off the cops for us".  Derek explained,

"We have to go right now".  He looked at Isaac once he got his sister and headed back to the car he came out of. Anita opened up the door behind her where Derek placed Cora down.

"What about Scott and Melissa?"  Chris asked.

"Jennifer took Melissa".  Anita looked at Chris.

"What about Scott?"  Allison then asked.

Anita and Derek exchanged a look. Derek went back around to get back in the drivers seat. Isaac walked over, giving Anita a comforting smile, glad she was alright.

"Anita, Derek, where's Scott?" 

Derek stopped walking and Anita looked to Allison.

"You really want to know?"  Anita asked. She saw Allison's pleaded look and let out a sigh. "He went with Deucalion".


Anita was further away from Derek and Isaac who were watching Cora. Anita was pacing back and forth as Simon was talking to her.

"I don't know what to do". She told her best friend.

"There's nothing you can do". Simon watched her pace. "This is out of your hands. You can't magically make someone better".

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