Chapter 31: Someone to Stay

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"If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one"

"How do you feel?" Anita asked Derek, taking the water bottle away from his lips.

"Exhausted. But..." His eyes traveled to Cora who was sitting a few feet away. "You're okay".

Cora smiled widely to him. "I'm doing much better than you are right now. All because of you".

Anita smiled softly as she ran her hand through Derek's hair soothingly.

"Hopefully not all for nothing". Peter spoke from where he stood.

"Do you always have to be a Debby downer?" Anita turned to him. Peter smiled at her innocently and then looked to Derek seriously.

"The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red and there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb".

Anita gave Peter a look. "I think she has a different plan after the events of last night". Anita told him as she rubbed the back of Derek's neck.

"Thinking that won't stop your boyfriend from being ripped to shreds".  Peter gave her a look.

"I'll be fine in a few hours". Derek told his uncle.

"I sincerely hope so because a few hours is all that you have".


"You should go". Derek told Anita as he was now standing up.

"Stay here and possible get clawed at again or have dinner with my parents?" Anita sucked in a breath, pretending to decide. "I think I'll take the claws". She admitted.

Derek tried to hide his smile but failed for only a moment and then looked at her seriously. "I'm serious. If you get hurt a-"

"Simon is with me".

"Hello!"  Simon waved from where he sat to Derek.

Anita raised her eyebrows, turning to Simon giving him a confused look.

"It would've been funny if he did see me".  Simon smiled widely.

Anita turned back to Derek.  "I'm not leaving you in your condition.  You are always by my side and I intend to be by yours".  Anita said seriously.

Derek was thankful for Anita.  He still wanted her to go but he knew Anita.  Once she made up her mind she stuck to it.  Derek rubbed up and down her arms with his hands soothingly and then his eyes went slightly past Anita with shock written on his face.

Peter was suddenly flown across the room, sliding on his back until he hit a wall.  Peter groaned in pain before flipping on his hands and knees.

Simon was there, leaning over with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.  "What was that?"  He asked Peter, looking over at him.

Anita turned around to see what just happened.  She looked at Peter who slowly tried to get onto his feet.

"Did you just try to attack me?"  Anita asked in disbelief.  But at the same time she expected nothing else from this man.

"What's your problem?" Simon looked at Peter as well, breathing out heavily.

"She's good".  Peter wheezed.

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