Chapter 20: No Surprises

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"How terrible it is to love something that Death can touch"

"Freshman. Tons and tons of fresh men". Lydia leaned against a locker next to Allison.

"You mean fresh boys. Lydia, they're 14". Allison smiled at her friend as she put some things in her locker.

"Anita". Lydia called out to the girl who was on the other side of the hall, closing her locker. Anita turned to the strawberry blonde, surprised she was talking to her. They never held a conversation.

"I prefer men that are older". A smile tugged on her lips. Crossing her arms over her chest, leaning back against her locker.

Lydia gave her a smirk, pointing at her. "I like you". Lydia turned back to Allison; "Some are more mature than others".

"You know, it's okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person. Right Anita?" Allison then turned to her.

Anita raised an eyebrow. Not knowing if the only reason the two were talking to her was because of the whole supernatural knowing club or something? Some freshman passed by and Anita looked to Allison.

"First off, ouch". Anita moved her head a bit. But not telling them that she was seeing Derek. "And second, why are you two talking to me?" Anita asked seriously.

"Well-uh". Allison was taken aback by her question.

"Because, you see ghosts and that makes you part of the group".  Lydia told her bluntly.

So, she was right.

Anita didn't say anything.  She wasn't sure if she liked that or not.  But nonetheless she nodded and headed to her first period.  Anita walked into the class where there were only a few people there since she was early.  She decided to take a seat in the fourth middle row. 

Anita grabbed her notebook and pen out, writing some things down to get her brain working for class.  Soon enough the first bell rang and students started to file in.  Stiles entered the classroom with Scott, the two talking for a moment as they made their way over.

"Anita.  Same class".  Stiles smiled widely at her, taking a seat in front of her, Scott next to him.

"Oh, joy".  Anita said sarcastically, but smiled.

"How was your summer?  My dad is a bit bummed that you left.  I swear, his office is going to get messy again so maybe..."  Stiles started to ramble.

Scott leaned down to take his supplies out but stopped, as he smelled the air, furrowing his eyebrows he looked up at Anita, confused but didn't say anything, then looked to the front of the class.

Stiles turned back around when Allison and Lydia entered the classroom.  Anita watched the two walk in and was surprised how they all had one class together again.  Anita knew she was the only senior in the class but she didn't care, it was her last semester and she was ready for it to end.

Stiles gave Scott a thumbs up at his best friends words and then all cell phones started to ring.  Stiles turned around slightly to Anita.

"Still no phone?"  Stiles asked a bit shocked.

"I'm getting one later today.  Derek is helping me since I don't know what exactly to get or how to go about it".  Anita told him.

"'The Offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway leading to the utterly most of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness'. This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone". Their new teacher instructed at the end.

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