Chapter 23: I Will Rescue You

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"When I die, don't come near my dead body because my hands will not be able to wipe your tears anymore"

"After you left she was smiling and having googly eyes at Peter". Simon said to Anita as he was standing against the railing looking down at Anita who was sitting down on the stairs inside the school.

"Can you blame her?"  Anita asked him, working on her government homework.

Simon's lips turned into a thin smile, shaking his head.  "No.  I did the same thing with my sister.  I just wanted to make sure she would be ok". Simon looked at one of the teenagers that was walking their way. The teenager gave Anita a weird look and all Simon did was blow on the side of his face when he was close enough. It caused the teenage boy to jump back in confusion and fear before walking faster.

Anita leaned forward in her spot as she watched the boys retreating figure with a hidden smile.  "I love you".  Anita said to Simon with full honesty.

Simon looked back to her with a look of peace on his face.  "I love you too, Birdie".

Silence engulfed them once more as Anita went back to answering her government homework. When Anita heard deer walking her way she thought it was going to be Stiles or someone to pester her but she was wrong.

"I'm honestly surprised that you haven't been arrested...again".  Anita looked up to Derek, telling him honestly with a straight face.

"Nice to see you too". Derek stayed in his spot.

Anita scooted over, closer to the railing, patting the spot next to her.  Simon watched from his spot as Derek took a seat next to her, their shoulders brushing as he sat down.  This caused Simon to smile.

"I'm here to make sure your English teacher wasn't loosing her mind".  Derek said to her.

"I know".  Anita tilted her head to the side as she started to write her answers down again.  Derek gave her a confused look, but then soon realized that it must of been Simon.  He took in the consideration that it could have been Clarice, but Anita hasn't mentioned her in awhile.  He wanted to ask but didn't want to make her upset.

"Simon said she was flirting with you".  Anita told him in a monotone voice, not looking at him.

"She wasn't flirting". Derek reassured her.

"I know flirting when I see it".

"He knows flirting when he sees it"

Simon and Anita both said at the same time.  Anita was still writing but it soon stopped when Derek reached over and grabbed her pen from her fingers.  Anita then looked to him with a look.  She wanted that pen back.

"You're jealous".

Anita snorted at his comment.

"Jealous?  No.  I don't like her because she radiates cynical". 

"You know, I like it when you use vocabulary I don't understand". Derek smiled to her as he clicked the pen a few times.

"Cynical means that they are someone who are motivated by their own self interest, they are untrustworthy-"

Anita was unable to finish giving Derek a new vocabulary word when his lips were suddenly on hers. Anita immediately smiled into the kiss but it didn't last long as someone interrupted and that someone wasn't a ghost.

"Holy shit".

The two pulled away seeing Isaac looking between the two, his one hand holding his backpack strap over his shoulder.

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