8. aftermath

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"You're too heavy" Ash says struggling to walk me through the small streets. "No I'm a light feather" I say protesting his words. Standing up straight for a few seccomds before i let my full bodyweight rest on his shoulders.

It is painfully obvious that I shouldn't have drank the last shot.

"I don't even know the directions to your house" Ash says and I lean even more onto his shoulder. "I want to sleep" I announce to him and he stands me upright.

"If you fall asleep right now I will leave you here on the ground" I say and I shake my head. "Asssshhhhh" I whisper into his ear and he shivers. I giggle at his reaction and he looks at me with a death stare.

Ash didn't even bother getting the address to my apartment and took me to his apartment instead.
On the way there he was contemplating leaving me in a ditch but decided against it.

When I enter his apartment I dance around the small space. The club songs are still fresh in my mind echoing all through it making some weird mash-up.

I hum a few songs through each other. After a few minutes, I realize where I am again and stand still. "Hey Ash" I say like I was seeing him for the first time today.

"Hey" he says playing into the part. He walks through the apartment and into the living room returning with some pillows and blankets.

He lets them fall there and points at them. "these are for you" he says to me and I squint my eyes. "On a couch?!" I ask a little too loud. he shakes his head yes in a pleased way and crosses his arms.

Even drunk me couldn't imagine myself sleeping there. I walk to Ash and put my hands on his face a little too hard causing it to make a soft slap sound.

"Oops" I say and I move my hands on his face and squish his cheeks together making his lips pouted . I feel like a kid again who just discovered play dough. I laugh at him and he looks very pissed off at me.

I let my hands go and pick up the blanket and pillow almost falling over the messy coffee table in the progress.

I walk to the bedroom and put the stuff on the bed. I haven't been in his bedroom before.

It was a normal-sized room and a basic double bed with a nightstand next to it and a closet shoved in the corner. A half-dead plants rest next to the closet and the bed is unmade and had dark blue sheets covering them.

Ash follows me and tries to push me out of the room. I didn't even budge a bit because of our weight difference. "Agh just listen to me" he groans. "Just accept the defeat" I say.

I squat through my legs and place my arm on his legs right under his ass lifting him. He falls over my shoulder and I hold him there.

I move to the bed with him on my shoulder and ash almost kicking me in my face. I put him down on the bed and fall right after him resting myself over him. I am pretty sure I was crushing him under myself but I don't care. He wasnt struggling to move or screaming to help so aslong as he isnt dying i wont move.

I fell asleep after a few seconds. Being fully dressed wasn't the most comfortable but being crushed by my weight might not be comfortable either.

I wake up with the worst headache of my life. Fuck, I shouldn't have drank this much. Or at all. I rub my hands over my eyes and sit up on the bed.

Was this bed always like this? I ask myself when my eyes are still closed. I hope I closed the blinds else my eyes are about to be burned to death.

I stretch out my arms and open my eyes. Well, I know the answer to my blinds question, they were right open.

I squint my eyes and slowly open them. Where the fuck am I? Did Arthur set me up with some girl?

I hear someone behind me wake up and groan. I sit still like a statue. It sounded a lot like a man. What the fuck?

"Ah fuck im sore all over" the familiar voice tells me. ASH COLLIN HART!? I turn around to look at him with the most horrified look painted on my face.

And there he was. Looking up at me in a sleepy way and not even shocked whatsoever. "You look shocked" Ash tells me my eyes are still wide and I can't believe it.

"Good morning" he says and puts his hand behind his head. "Hey?" I say getting a small voice crack. How is he so casual about this all? What did we even do last night???? He said he was sore....???

"Did you- I mean me- uhhh- yeah" is all I managed to say and I bite my inner lip. "You think we hooked up?" Ash says and he laughs louder than ever.

My face is redder than ever and I feel the embarrassment screaming inside me. "Well, Aspen... you did tell me to make everything memorable" he tells me and I shake my head in denial.

"We didn't do anything.....right?" I ask unsure and he stares at me with a very serious expression. "Think VERY clearly about what we did last night" he tells me giving me the creeps.

Oh no, I really messed up didn't I? "Aspen, your clothes are very much still on calm down" he says and I pat down my body realizing what he said is true. "Holy shit" I whisper to myself.

"I should get going" I say standing up too quickly making the headache even worse. This is the part where the puking comes.

I quickly open a door that I think is the bathroom. Thankfully for ash, I guessed right. I go to the toilet and hover myself over it.

Agh, I won't drink again. Ever. Not after all this happened. When I'm done I flush the toilet and put some cleaning detergent in it hoping Ash won't yell at me right now.

"Ash??? Do you have any mouthwash?" I ask and I hear him laugh from the other room. "In the cabinet above the sink" he yells at me so I can hear him.

The bathroom is small but it is big enough for a shower and a toilet. Above the sink, there is a small cabinet and I open it.

It has some medication bottles in them and I want to read the labels on them but I decide against it. I won't see him again anyways.

A few bottles of shampoo and body wash are in them and a few other things and a bottle of gel. I search for the mouthwash and see it right next to a box of condoms. Well... this is awkward.

I use some mouthwash and spit it out in the sink. I wash my face with some cold water hoping I won't look as trash as I did before.

I look into the mirror above the sink and stare at myself in disgust. I look like I've been dead for a few years. Yeah no more drinking.

My hair is down resting over my forehead. I never did that before and I hate it a lot. A few pieces of hair sticking out here and there. I put some water in it hoping to fix it but it falls right back. Fuck it. I'll leave it just like this.

I step out of the bathroom embarrassed. "You better clean it if you made a mess" Ash says and gets up from the bed still fully dressed in the clothes he was wearing last night.

He gets up from the bed and checks the bathroom. "Okay good" he says and looks at my hair. "I like your hair" he says to me and I look at him not entertained.

"Im going to take a shower" he says "You don't mind waiting right, you don't really seem like the type to take a shower with someone" he says to me looking through his hooded eyes. with his stupid grin. I decline the offer immediately and he laughs at the urgency in my voice.

He takes off his t-shirt right in front of me and I look away. "Don't be so embarrassed you fell asleep right on top of me nothing can beat that," he says and my cheeks flush a shade of red again.

He walks towards his closet and keeps his pants on thankfully. I look at his movement. He puts a pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt and a pair of underwear and socks on the bed. "These are for you" he says and I stare at them. I do need clean clothes.

He gets the same-looking pair of clothes for himself and disappears into the bathroom. What do I do now?? I walk around the room scanning for some new clues for the case I'm no longer working on.

There is nothing interesting to find. Only a huge shelf of books I haven't seen before and my phone on a small coffee table by his tv.

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