28. ash 2.0

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It was time to leave me. The old me. I had burried ash into the ground and walked to the village.

A few friendly hellos were thrown in my way while i was walking. I walked to the jewelry store and bought a ring.

It was simple. Silver and a small gem in it. It was enough though. We had looked at it when we walked past it and she looked like she wanted it.

I went back to the family farm and searched for the daughter who will call seth her husband.

Sometimes i feel like i was a con artist. Or a actor living out a life that wasnt mine. Maybe it wasnt mine. But i created it. Why couldnt it be mine?

I had seth written out perfectly. He had it all going for him. He was perfect and a simple guy. Far from what i really was. Far from who ash was.

I liked it though. Having ash being burried deep inside the mountain to have him being washed away by the tides. I was gone. The original me was gone.

The name my mother and father had given me was being burried. I asked the father from the farm what he thinks would suit me.

I acted like my name was something different but wanting something that suited me more. He came up with seth.

He said it fitted my personality the most and that he wanted to call his son that. He never had a son but he was pleased enough to have a beautiful daughter.

Me and the daughter hang out a few times. We were send on a lot of things together like getting fertilizer or something else. The dad always made sure we were together.

We both didnt really mind and me and her got along fast. She told me all about her and what here plans and dreams are. She told me she wanted to take care of the farm when her dad got to old and wanted kids of her own.

3 she had wished for. 3 beautiful children that could help her when she got to old to stay at the farm.

I liked that idea of life. She talked about it with a bright light inside her eyes and she always told me about it like it was the best memory she had lived.

She was a brilliant woman. She liked to read books and her favorite was history and romance. When she wasnt working on the farm or was spending time with me she would read.

Sometimes i had catched her painting her favorite scenes from books on a canvas making the fantasy come to reality. She explained that she rarely painted when her mother passed away but is slowly picking it up again.

We always danced when her father was gone. We had danced in the livingroom to her favorite music.

We never did more than that. We never kissed or touched eachother when it wasnt usual. I liked the distance we had. It was so far yet so close.

"Emilia" i called out her name in a tone i havent used since i got out the gang. I liked the way her name escaped my through my lips.

She walked down the stairs of the 2 story house and ran towards me. She gave me a friendly smile and ran her hands through her hair.

Her dress dress was flowly and amazing. I wondered what was underneath it. Or would i only find a dirty past like mine.

I gave her my hand and she took it. We walked to a open field with flowers blooming of the spring.

I knew that this was the final thing i would do to let go of ash. To let him rest here. Ending all the misery i have been through.

I go down on one knee and display the ring to her. She gasps and smiles at me.

"I want to treasure you like no other man can do. Youre the reason why i am here right now and i will give you everything you need and want and more. I promise to give you a good life and i want to spend forever with you. To watch the campfires turning into ash and the farm growing as we start a family" i promised her.

I stand up and put the ring on her finger and kiss her.

For the very first time i had kissed her. We both giggled from the nervousness we had and i took her face between my hands and kissed her forehead.

It all happend in a matter of secconds. I remeber the sound of the gunshots like it happend just a few secconds ago. The ringing was bright in my ear and her body in my arms.

She was killed.

Just a few secconds after i asked her to spend my whole life with her. She was gone. Perished.

Her beautiful dress coated in a bright red blood spreading over my hands and body. She was gone. Her smile had faded just like her breath stoped coming.

I looked at the man who killed her. It was my old boss. The man who led the gang and the man who i betrayed.

He stood there with a huge grin of satisfaction. "Found you" he says in a oh so twisted way.

I put her body next to me and rush through him with a scream letting out all the oxygen in it.

I rushed through him. The haze took over and the next thing i knew was me standing over this man.

He was alive. I couldnt kill him. Something helt me back.

I ran back to my original roots. The same fucked up ash who i had burried long ago.

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