22. covered truth

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"STOP!" I scream to his face. "Stop it please" i beg him lowering my voice as the words escape through my lips.

Ash his face is blank. Not showing any emotion what so ever. The one thing that scares me the most about him is this. The blank expression that wont even show a hint of anger or sadness or happiness. Just nothing.

"Do you know why i turned out this way?" He asks me in a twisted tone accompanied by a twisted smile faded into his face.

I knew why he was this way. I have known since i was 7. I was the one to fuck him up for good. The reason why he is in my apartment asking me to kill him.

"I mean you most know it. You've been researching everything about me. Probs to you though you've gotton further then most people who tried" ash says and tilts his head sideways.

"You were right there. For all of it. So you know it" he says cold and empty.

I look away towards the door wishing i never let him in again. Wishing i never shared the memories i have with ash. Wishing i never took the case in the first place.

He places his hand under my chin and guides it so im forced to look at his face.

"You know what your sister did dont you?"

He asks me and i feel my chest tighten. He watched my emotions switch with every word coming from his mouth. He knows what he is doing to me.

Maybe he planned it all along. I shouldve known he would do something like this. Just for revenge and maybe just for fun.

"I dont" i say avoiding the reality that has been told to me when i was younger. I hate that part of the past.

Me and my sister have a big age difference because i was a accident but my parents like to say 'a late birthday present'.

I used to look up to my sister because she was more a mom for me then she was a sister.

I adored her more then my mother. My sister used to tell people i was her child and not her brother.

Until the day the cops showed up to our house.

At first i didnt get why they were there. I never even had any thought in my brain that she would ever do something wrong. Ever.

The police sat in our house for hours explaining what the situation was and that she never really went on "Buisness trips" but was a child trafficker.

She trafficked ash.

My parents were horrified and i was in shock. I rushed to my room and disapeared for days unable to speak to anyone.

My voice had cut off while my life fated through my fingers. I didnt want to speak to anyone and i didnt. I wouldnt. I kept silent and wouldnt come out of my room unless i had to.

At 15 years old i learned that i really couldnt trust anyone.

The night was long and felt like we were waiting for days. She got picked up by the police and questioned and we never saw her again.

I never wanted to visit her or felt the courage to do so. I didnt want to see her face again or the fake smile she would put on.

After all these years passed by I slowly forgot how she looked like. I forgot the way her face looked like and was only left with the feeling that i remebered.

I used to feel so save around her. I held her hand tight while crossing a road. I was always near her and felt so alone when she left for a few days at a time but i knew it would be okay because she would come home and have enough money for us to go to a small dinner at a cheap restaurant.

I never knew she got the money that way. I never knew she could even hurt anyone. The police had told us about her savings account were she would put all the money into.

She only used up a small bit of it. I never went to the prison to ask where she would spend it on.

Because of her i am in a room with one of the people who had fallen a victim by her hands.

The one victim i knew and helt close to my heart. I always had known why he became this way. I also know why he has the scars on his body and who is to blame.

Blood is thicker then water but no matter how much i have to deny it its still the truth
she is my sister and i am her brother.

I hate to see the scars on him and i hate it when he had dozen off and staring at them taking him back to the time where he couldnt protect himself.

"You know it aspen" he says more stern and i shake my head even though its of no use. He knows it and so do i.

"Stop it" i demand and he takes a step back. "Stop what? The fucking truth?" He asks throwing his hands in the air.

He clenches his hands into fists "ash" i say soft stepping closer to him. He looks me dead in the eyes and doesnt move a inch. He looks like a statue rather then a men. I wanted to remove the feeling from him.

"Im sorry" i breath out and lean my head agaisnt his chest. "Im sorry" i say again. I could feel him breathing but he wont move. He turned to cold stone.

His hands are still on the side of him and not around me like they once were. I stand back up and stare into his eyes.

No sign of the guy i once fell asleep next to. And neither is he the guy who promised me he would show me how to live. He wasnt the guy i was about too kiss.

It was just a blank expression. It was nothing but empty. He didnt flince when i touched him and neither did he smile for even a millisecond like he always does.

"Please say something" i beg him my eyes tearing up and my voice breaking. He shakes his head and looks me into my eyes.

"Its not like you ever fucking cared" he says his words cutting me. He bites his lip and puts on a smile. "Ash" i say and i put my hands on his face.

"You never fucking cared you watched me get taken away and turned your fucking back to it" he says and removes my hands from his face.

"You never even tried to see the signs. You never even questioned why i was suddenly gone after we were friends for years. You even took on a job to fucking kill me aspen. Dont tell me you care" he screams letting out everything that he was holding back. A single stream of tears fall from his eyes.

I never saw him cry more then a single tear. I didnt even see him cry at the funeral of his parents on the day he got taken away by what i thought were good people but turned out to be my sisters 'friends'.

"dont fucking say all this shit about me not caring" i scream at him "because no matter how much i deny it i fucking love you" i let my voice break and he looks back at me in a way ive never seen before.

"I didnt fucking know they would take you away. I thought everything would be fine and we would stay friends. I didnt know that i wasnt going to see you again after everything you went through. I feel so fucking bad everytime i look at you or the messed up situation youre in because i shouldve done better" i say letting it all out.

"I'll always blame myself for every fucking thing that happend to you and youre so in the right if you want to kill me. I'll let you" i say knowing every word i say is the truth.

I would die by his hands and be oke with it. After everything he had been through its just a small price to pay back maybe its not even enough.

He looks at me while every emotion mixes through him. His face changes every so slightly and the tears on his face are starting to dry while the new ones are created.

His breath is short and stammering and mine matches his. Were both crying like crazy people but i couldnt give a fuck.

He takes a few deep breaths and i stare into his bloodshot eyes and he stares into mine.
"You love me?" He asks me with the most silent and hurt voice ever.

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